Libra 2 problem ?

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi all. It as been a reat palaver trying to get one of the Libra 2 from the NHS. I am at last seeing tem next week and the free trial ran out yesterday so i ad to buy my own as Docs would not put one on my script.

I got one and fitted it when the freebi ran out. All good since last night untill now. It says on my pone when i try to scan `sensor ended` and its only 12hrs old.

I noticed tough it as come away a little on one side. I am guessing tis is the problem ?

Can i reset the patch up or do i need to buy another ?


Hi all. It as been a reat palaver trying to get one of the Libra 2 from the NHS. I am at last seeing tem next week and the free trial ran out yesterday so i ad to buy my own as Docs would not put one on my script.

I got one and fitted it when the freebi ran out. All good since last night untill now. It says on my pone when i try to scan `sensor ended` and its only 12hrs old.

I noticed tough it as come away a little on one side. I am guessing tis is the problem ?

Can i reset the patch up or do i need to buy another ?


'Sensor ended' means the sensor is permanently finished.
Contact Abbott, they will send a replacement.

I noticed tough it as come away a little on one side. I am guessing tis is the problem ?
I think that is most likely.
When you first stick the sensor to your arm it takes a couple of days for the 'sticky' to settle and gain strength.
They are sending me a replacement in five to seven days. be panicking now for next so many days lol. back to finger pricking.
They are sending me a replacement in five to seven days. be panicking now for next so many days lol. back to finger pricking.
That is a perfect example of Abbott's shabby customer service. Dexcom always replace a faulty sensor with next day delivery.
That is a perfect example of Abbott's shabby customer service. Dexcom always replace a faulty sensor with next day delivery.
Would you also say the Dexcom better ? if so why?

I am seeing the specialist tomorrow so i can see if they will give me one or the other, although i like the Libra, only as used it and found it good. Besides a few non readings when scanning on my phone.
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