Libra 2 loss of signal

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 3c
Had a Libra 2 for about 2 weeks now sometimes fine but it keeps sending alarm to phone saying no signal. This keeps happening during the night, woke us up 5 times last night spoke to Libra support and all they said was it must be kept within 20feet, it is on the bedside cabinet within 2 feet. They then said to scan the back of the phone, yes OK after it wakes us up .
It was set up by a Libra rep at the diabetic clinic and all the settings are fine.
Sorry but the constant lack of sleep is taking its toll, is it OK to switch phone off at night?
Any help or suggestions very gratefully received
Switch the alarms off!
Hope that the recently introduced Libre 2 Plus improves matters...
Many of us switch off the "loss of signal" alarm but keep the high and low alarms on. I find the loss of signal will happen more often if my phone battery is getting low.
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