Libra 2 loosing signal

Needles and Pins

New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

Is there a particular phone to use, my signal after a long use has now started to cut out. Rang libra who said my phone software is not compatable. Im using a apple phone - fairy new. Had to take a tep back and use the scanning device, has anyone else had the same issue?
I had to buy a new phone to use Libre. It was an iPhone 6 that should have worked but was at the very end of its upgrade cycle. There is a list of phones that work somewhere on the Abbott Libre pages. Can you upgrade your ios on the phone, it needs to be at least ios15 I think although that didn't work for me?
It was an iPhone 6 that should have worked but was at the very end of its upgrade cycle.

As I recall iPhone 7 was the first that was able to use its NFC with Libre.

Odd that your phone used to work OK, but now doesn’t @Needles and Pins (and now I have an earworm from your username!).

Are you able to run the most recent version of the app on your phone? I think v2.11.2 is the current one.
Very greatfull with your responce - i went through the setting with the Libra team, the version was correct. I did swich to another android phone with the same results. Began to think its a bad batch of libra 2 monitors. Believe others have had similar issues.
Sometimes turning Bluetooth off and on again and restarting the phone can fix the problem.