Levimir Travel


Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Taking extra Levimir on plane in cool diabetes bag !Can it be put in Hotel fridge on arrival or stored in cool bag
Not in hotel fridge!!!! Keeps OK for several weeks out of fridge anyway, as long as not partic hot.
Taking extra Levimir on plane in cool diabetes bag !Can it be put in Hotel fridge on arrival or stored in cool bag
I once put my insulin in a hotel fridge along with my picnic stuff, and it malfunctioned and froze my sliced ham. Luckily, the insulin cartridges were in their box, insulated by the patient information leaflet, and didn’t freeze, but it was a close one!
I put insulin in a fridge and the door of the ice box was broken.
My insulin froze, and we had the fun of getting new insulin in USA.
Taking extra Levimir on plane in cool diabetes bag !Can it be put in Hotel fridge on arrival or stored in cool bag
Leave it in your hand luggage on the journey and your hotel room when you get there. Don’t leave it on a windowsill or radiator or fridge, it’s fine at normal room temperature and the fridge temperature could be too low