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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hello... A bit more of a specific question about levemir this time! Cab anyone on it tell me many units of novorapid are usually taken per 10g of carbs with levemir as basal insulin? I'd really appreciate any ideas. I know it's dependent on weight and things too but since changing from lantus (for which I usually needed 1 unit per 10g of carbohydrate) to levemir my levels have been running between 10 and 17 and I'm statrting to worry. Having just changed clinics I don't yet have the number of a dn to ring to ask for advice.
I'm on Levemir - 26 units taken at night, and I usually go for 1 unit of Novorapid for each 10g of carbohydrates (excluding the first 10g).
Have you done any basal testing? If not you need to do so before you make any other adjustments. Everyones insulin/carb ratio is an individual thing.
http://www.diatribe.us/issues/13/learning-curve.php this link will explain how to basal test if you haven't been taught that yet.
Are you splitting your Levemir? Most find that it does not cover for 24 hrs.

I am assuming you are not using Levemir as a bolus at meal times. But not 100% sure after rereading your post.
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my son age 17 has been on levermir for over a year but about six months in to it his numbers where every were so nurse changes to spliting in 2 injection 26 at night and 20 in morning better numbers but also has just completed a carb counting coures and had drastically changed his number he now counts every thing as grams to carb to insulin novorapid he has had diabetes 15 year. ask your gp about courses that are in your area
I'm on Levemir - 26 units taken at night, and I usually go for 1 unit of Novorapid for each 10g of carbohydrates (excluding the first 10g).

Have you done any basal testing? If not you need to do so before you make any other adjustments. Everyones insulin/carb ratio is an individual thing.
http://www.diatribe.us/issues/13/learning-curve.php this link will explain how to basal test if you haven't been taught that yet.
Are you splitting your Levemir? Most find that it does not cover for 24 hrs.

I am assuming you are not using Levemir as a bolus at meal times. But not 100% sure after rereading your post.

my son age 17 has been on levermir for over a year but about six months in to it his numbers where every were so nurse changes to spliting in 2 injection 26 at night and 20 in morning better numbers but also has just completed a carb counting coures and had drastically changed his number he now counts every thing as grams to carb to insulin novorapid he has had diabetes 15 year. ask your gp about courses that are in your area

Thank you for your replies. Maybe 1 unit per 10g will be correct, it might just need some time to settle down. I take the levemir in the mornings in 1 dose of 20 units. My bolus insulin is Novorapid (I think I'm using the terms basal and bolus correctly but in all the years of being diabetic they've never really been made clear!) I don't currently split my levemir, but it's possible I will do as I used to split my lantus... I guess I need to wait till after my next appointment for that though? I have been put on the waiting list for a dafne course, but from what I hear that can take up to 3 years! I'm not really clear on carbohydrate counting as when I was diagnosed I was told not to worry about it and have only had brief chats about it since. I will also read up about basal testing... Thank you for the advice.
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