levels rising overnight

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
currently my levels seem to be rising throughout the night. I think dafne told me that this is likely to be down to my long acting (lantus) dose not being enough, but i cant quite remember.
its definitely not my pre eve meal amount, cause my levels are fine 2-3 hrs eafter eating & at bed. Plus im not eating anything that would cause a 'spike' later on, e.g. pizza. does it sound like lantus does? :confused:
It does seem like it might be your lantus,I would speak to your nurse they should be able to advice you of the best way to deal with it.
I was always waking up high it was just a case of increasing or decreasing long acting insulin but I also found that reducing my dinner injection by a unit I would run around 8-9 then take my long acting sleeping at around 6-7 units.

Its all about looking at the situation and finding what works best for your body.
How are your levels during the day Dan? Have you tried doing a basal test during the day - missing out a meal and testing regularly to see what your levels do on their own, without any bolus insulin interfering? This is the best way to see if you have a sufficiently high lantus dose - if your levels climb then you need more. Some people find that it is best to split their lantus dose into two injections, so in your case you might take the greater part before bed and the smaller part during the morning. Definitely worth discussing with your DSN to work out the best approach for you. 🙂
The only other possibilty to bear in mind is that your Lantus might be too high, or the timing might not be quite right. If you are going hypo overnight and not waking you can get some liver-dump/somogyi fuelled high readings the following day. People on here seem to set an alarm at 3am to wake up and test then to give a general picture of overnight changes. Pumpers seem to do more exhaustive (and exhausting) basal testing every few hours through the night to spot patterns.
my daytime levels are fine, pretty good in fact and up until this week so had my night time ones really. so thats why im posting, cause i cant really work out why they are now high in the morning :confused:
my daytime levels are fine, pretty good in fact and up until this week so had my night time ones really. so thats why im posting, cause i cant really work out why they are now high in the morning :confused:

That is a tricky one then! Perhaps you do need to split your lantus so you are taking a higher part of the dose to see you through the night (unless, like Mike suggests, you are dropping low and then bouncing high - you'd have to do some night testing to find out, or scrounge a CGMS off your DSN). Might be tricky working out how to split the dose though.
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