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Jd 76

Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi everyone, I have type 2 and over the past month I have started to feel tired, lethargic…is this common? If so is there anything I can do to help this?
Hi everyone, I have type 2 and over the past month I have started to feel tired, lethargic…is this common? If so is there anything I can do to help this?
This could be because blood glucose levels are too high, and is a common symptom. I was like this before I was diagnosed. Have you had a recent hba1c or tested your glucose levels?
Yes it was 42, I check my blood sugar everyday and it’s in the normal range
Probably another reason, then.
Hi everyone, I have type 2 and over the past month I have started to feel tired, lethargic…is this common? If so is there anything I can do to help this?
It's not something that I've experienced, other than when I was running with high BG before my diagnosis. Have you considered that there might be something else going on, eg a thyroid issue or iron deficiency? Both can cause tiredness and fatigue.
Hi everyone, I have type 2 and over the past month I have started to feel tired, lethargic…is this common? If so is there anything I can do to help this?
I get that more often these days. I will be 80 next month so it could be just natural old age. I'm not complaining though, after a busy working life, I enjoy my naps now. lol
Sorry to hear about your fatigue and lethargy @Jd 76

Good that you have been able to check your BGs and that they are in the normal range, and that your HbA1c looks very well managed at 42mmol/mol.

With those results it seems unlikely that your feelings are related to elevated glucose levels. But there are many other causes of fatigue and weariness. From vitamin shortages to hormonal imbalance. If this has been going on for several weeks it feels like it would be worth putting a call in to your GP to get a few checks run?
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