Let me introduce myself....

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi everyone,
I'm 39 & have been T2 for 8-9 years now. For about 5 of them was diet controlled, well when I say diet controlled.... What i mean is ate anything I wanted & put it to the back of my mind. Eventually realised after quite a bit of resistance on my part I needed tablets so I went onto Metformin & Gliclazide. This carried on for 2-3 years and slowly over time it became obvious i was having very poor control of blood sugars and my Hba1c was getting very high. Never could understand this, as for past year or more i was very aware of what i ate and stuck to a very low sugar diet. But the time came where i was referred to a diabetic clinic and told it was time for insulin, I cried for days. To me insulin was the worst scenario, life totally taken over by finger prick tests to be done all the time, injections twice daily for life & totally controlled diet. Well i have been on insulin for 8 weeks now and I can honestly say hand on my heart it was the best thing I've done. Almost immediately sugars dropped, I'm now 95% of the time in the normal range for fasting and post meals. I feel so much better, happier and lots more energy, it isn't until now I look back and realise just how poorly I was. I also see a dietician regular who has been brilliant, she explained everything to me and all about carbs. It suddenly all fell into place and i understood what I'd been doing wrong all these years while on oral medication. Straight away changed to a low carb diet and haven't looked back since.
So that's my story..... Sorry it's been a long introduction....haha!! But I just wanted to share my experience, insulin isn't the enemy I've always thought it was.
Hi LeedsLass, welcome to the forum. My first few years sound very much like yours. I'm glad you've found what works for you at last.
Welcome to the forum LeedsLass 🙂
Hi LeedsLass, welcome to the forum 🙂 So pleased you've finally got the treatment that works for you, coupled with the education and support you perhaps should have had a long time ago. Your experience will be very encouraging for our members who have a similar fear of insulin, that things really can be much better with it than without it! 🙂 You only realise how bad things were once you start getting good control and the 'real' you!

I look forward to hearing more from you 🙂
Hi, thanks to you all for replying.
I know it's only early days and I'm not naive to think that things will always stay like this forever, but at the moment all is good and hopefully will stay this way for a long long time. If someone has said to me two months ago how I would be feeling right now, I wouldn't have believed them at all.
Yeah maybe if I'd researched more about carbs or been given information whilst on medication, perhaps insulin would have been delayed for a while longer, who knows..? But I do honestly think it would have only putting off the inevitable.
Did your eat-everything-in-sight phase result in weight gain like it did for me? Losing some of the stones of flab has helped me get my BG under control.
So glad you are happy now and controlling your diabetes rather than it control you, well done 🙂
And welcome!!
Hi LeeLee
Yeah I did put a bit on but I've never been overweight. When I was on tablets I was more conscious of what I ate & relatively stuck to a low GI diet. And over time with a few small changes it began to add up & started to slowly loose weight & have managed to maintain this. My BMI is on the lower end of normal at the moment & hopefully this will continue.
Doctors say diabetes has been caused by long term steroid use (was on them for 17 years!) for a blood disorder I have & also probable iron overload caused by regular blood transfusion also to treat blood disorder, plus it runs in the family!

Hi Steff!
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