Let her eat cake!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Silly question for all the T1s out there. I've was diagnose a bit over a year ago as T1 and initially my sugars were all over the place and pasta and rice ofter lead to lows ( this was before i had my cgm). I threw out most of my recipe books, went low carb and learned a fair bit how to manage my levels with the 'low carb' training wheels on.
Now, however, i am going back onto a more 'normal' diet.
I blame bread.
Anyway, i am fine with bread, basmati rice, and will give pasta a go when i can be bothered. Similarly i can have proper chocolate. But, well, cake. Or scones. Proper ones, not with low carb fake flours. I mean, I'm ok with fake sugar though am trying to limit it.
Is it possible to have these, with a meal, on mdi and keep in range (4-10...preferably 4-8). Or is that unrealistic?
Wanted to pick your brains before going out and buying flour and getting all excited.
I am on the list for a DAPHNE but not holding my breath.
Why do you want to stay between 4 and 8? You are being unrealistic. None diabetic people will spike above 10 occasionally, quite possibly after having a slice of cake. As long as you are not going above mid teens regularly and staying high for hours, then it is fine. It will be all about timing finding what works for you and going out for an afternoon coffee and cake might be a better way to experiment than tagging it onto the end of a meal where you are then going to bump the carb load dramatically. At least those are my thoughts.
The only way to get the hang it, is to practice and experiment, same as any other food. The last time I had cake which was last summer and it was a gorgeously moist fruit loaf which was home made and just too good to refuse, I think I hit 12, which I consider reasonable and a fair trade off. Of course I would like to have not gone into double figures and I am sure if I had planned it a bit better I could have had a bit better result, but it was very much a spur of the moment thing. As long as my long term (90 day) time in range is good that bit of cake and trip up to 12 doesn't matter. I think it may have needed a couple of corrections to bring down as I had absolutely no idea of the carb count and I didn't get any real time to prebolus and once my levels get above 10 with Fiasp I need twice as much as normal to bring me down, but that certainly wouldn't stop me from indulging again. What I have to beware of is that once I start eating carbs like that, I start craving more and it is a slippery slope, so for me, maintaining my low carb way of eating is more about managing my eating disorder as my diabetes, but I do find that it makes that easier.
I manage it (4-10) even with the rare treat of sticky toffee pudding (actually that makes me hypo, no clue why!)

It’s just getting your prebolus time right
I like the suggestion its just about practice....ie eating cake on many occasions. I can do that!
I've seen staying away from some of my fav foods. I only recently reintroduced branson pickle.

I manage 4-8 most of the time...may be still in honeymoon? And feel happiest in that range. It gives a couple of mmol leeway if things go wrong.

So, maybe i may start with a cream scone. The cream purely there to delay the carb absorbtion...for health reasons
Think about your whole meal and the timings and try it. If you have a meal with plenty of fat and protein to help slow down carb absorption then it will minimise spikes. Having cake on its own will be different to having it for dessert. But even then going higher as long as you come back down again is fine and with practice (it’s science if you note your results ) you can time your insulin to maximise it matching the spike. Portion sizes matter too so for true science you would want to try different portion sizes
Really enjoy cream tea, had one last week on holiday & often have one when visiting local garden centre with wife.

Odd time will have cake instead, fav is cheesecake, like rebrascora says with right timing you can prebolus & stay in single figures.

Don't recommend this but I usually prebolus in car before going into premises, time you get tea coffee scone cake sorted insulin is starting to kick in, plus with cream tea the butter clotted cream helps reduce spiking, well it does for me.
Oh yes. It. Is definitely possible to eat real scones.
I always bake a stash at a time and freeze most of them to be available any time to eat with my Mum’s homemade raspberry jam. I rarely have cream.
The advantage of baking them myself is that I can reduce the sugar. Plus Mum’s jam is less sweet than the shop bought stuff. It even tastes of raspberries rather than sugar but sweet enough for the reduced sugar scones.
I usually split the bolus. More so if i find some clotted cream as the fat will slow down the absorption.

Most if the time I stay below 10 but, if I sneak into double figures, I don’t sweat it because it is a short rare spike and diabetes is not going to dictate my life.
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@Tdm - Fresh cream chocolate eclairs - the not ever so long ones, 4 to a box in the chiller cabinet at a supermarket of your choice, are only approx 12 g carbs apiece.

To me , well worth my 'spending' some insulin on!
Oh, could murder a chocolate eclaire
Oh, could murder a chocolate eclaire
Go for it. The carb count on M&S eclair packaging is accurate (in my experience) and the fat in the eclair'll slow down its digestion which means there shouldn't be a BG spike. I often have an eclair for pud of an evening. As long as you cover any sweet treat with the appropriate amount of insulin, you should be fine. :D
A cheese scone is definitely possible. Our local cafe do the best I have found which are enormous. I share and just match the insulin for it, pre bolus if possible and then enjoy every mouthful.
If you get the carbs a bit wrong the first time, then you need more practice!!

My other delight is a mini magnum at the end of a meal. 14 g of carbs matched to insulin. Job done.
Thats not bad! But not sure if i could stop at one mini-magnum.
I made some plain scones, about 20 carbs each, and had one with clotted cream and fake jam (fresh rasp mashed lightly with some sweetner). And a chicolate. The rest of the meal was healthy!
Cake? YES.

Just work at it and experiment until you can sort the size of slice, and appropriate carb count (possibly with a notional extra add-on), plus pre-bolus timing.

The only essential is to ensure that it's good cake. Nothing more aggravating than running the risk of BG chaos, and waiting the allotted bolus delay only for the cake to be a bit 'meh' 😱
Any food whatsoever, not only cake, needs to be 'worth' my 'investing' some of my insulin in !! I really do treat it as if it were actual money, and have never been able to emulate Viv Nicholson ........
Well, it didn't work out well- though to be honest much of that was due to me not injecting my basal insulin. Probsbly needed more of a prebolus too.
More testing needed but under more rigorously controlled experimental conditions by the sound of it! 🙄
The answer is more cake
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