Less than a third of doctors think online access to records is a good idea

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Fewer than a third of doctors think that allowing online access to full patient records is a good idea, shows a survey by a medical defence body.

The survey of 850 members of the Medical Protection Society and 1,766 members of the public found 66% of doctors and 73% of the public believed that particularly sensitive information should never be accessible online.

Some 86% of doctors and 80% of the public said they would be concerned for the security of medical records if they become accessible online.


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This is bollards.

Nothing on one's health record is secret. If for instance your GP feels - say - that you are completely potty and have a gun in your pocket, or knows that you hypo at the drop of a hat, but still drive your vehicle with complete disregard - then it's encumbent upon him even though it's supposed to be confidential - to tell the appropriate authority.

The thing that really annoys me about my own health records is, I have absolutely no idea what the hospital ever say to my GP about my diabetes (or indeed anything I may have go wrong) because the hospital have decided not to send patients copies of the letters they write.

The GPs don't even like checking their records to see if the hospital have said anything. Just happened to our daughter. Referred to hospital because it was beyond GP. Hospital said 'You need whatever prescribing - we'll write to your doctor'. It took her 3 separate visits over a month - the last one I insisted on going with her to table thump - for the GP to look and see what the hospital had said. And moan a bit cos it was expensive, and then grudgingly write the scrip. And not put it on repeat though it's something which will take at least months if not years, to sort out.
My qualms would be the distinct failure of any government IT system to function as intended and the minute details of everyone's medical history would be readily available to all and sundry at the drop of a hat (or press of appropriate button) 🙄
What I don't get is there seems to be a complete lack of ability to even pass on records to anyone, regardless of this being online or not.

I mean, you'd think that when you moved house, joined a new GP's surgery and gave them your NHS number, they'd contact your old surgery as a matter of course to get update records.

But no.

When I joined my first GP's surgery, they were incapable of passing on my records to the retinopathy scanning people (who decided I was a T2 on tablets who'd had diabetes since 2010, instead of a T1 on insulin who's had it since 1998!). They also didn't manage to pass on my records to the hospital for a proper clinic. Then when I moved, I had to start from scratch at my new surgery. It is like all my records just completely disappear whenever I enter a new building. You'd think they'd have a record of my vaccinations etc but no, the system draws a complete blank (even for things done as recently as 2007). It is like every time I go to see a doctor or hospital or anyone as if I've just landed from Mars.
You've probably got a tick in the Martian? box, so all your records are instantly destroyed on the orders of the US government... 😱 😉
Or, like me, two dates of birth thanks to my darling dad who always got my birthday (25th) and their anniversary (29th) the wrong way round. Until recently I had two completely different sets of records with large and very confusing gaps. When I first moved home from London, the surgery had one set and the hospital had the other which got really complicated when the Addisons threw a fit and the hospital had no record of any previous treatment. And there was the time I talked to Dr Idiot about the surgery I had when I was 12 or so and had to show her the scar before she'd believe me. They've finally been merged now thank heavens.

(I was an anniversary present by the way.)😱
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