Leg operation

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi everyone
Had slight tear in knee ,some cartridge removed, that was four weeks ago.
It was keyhole surgery but taking time to heal, I am doing my exercises but still can’t bend or kneel on leg. Does it take longer to heal because of diabetes ?, I was told 4to 6 weeks but I think it might take longer and I want to get back to work, has anyone else had this problem or is it because I’m getting old , ha ha.
Hi everyone
Had slight tear in knee ,some cartridge removed, that was four weeks ago.
It was keyhole surgery but taking time to heal, I am doing my exercises but still can’t bend or kneel on leg. Does it take longer to heal because of diabetes ?, I was told 4to 6 weeks but I think it might take longer and I want to get back to work, has anyone else had this problem or is it because I’m getting old , ha ha.
I do think things take longer to heal and recovery more prolonged but if your blood glucose is well managed it should make too much difference, the danger is more with infection at the surgery site.
I am more than 2 years down the road from ruptured patella tendon repair surgery and it is still not completely recovered and I definitely can't kneel on my knee and going down stairs are still challenging. The skin either side of the scar is still quite numb. I was in a leg brace for 8 weeks then limited bending over the next few weeks and then without the brace but I still found a knee support helpful. My balance was all over the place but with some physio exercises that has improved.
I saw a private physio as the NHS one ended after 3 months and they were very good with some ultrasound, massage and different exercises.
I hope you see some improvement soon. I think we just have to be more patient
Thanks for that, my blood glucose have been great no problem there, It was the surgeon thought it would only be four weeks before I go back to work but it will take longer, you might be right I must have patience and keep exercising.
One of the most useful exercises the physio taught me to do was one to develop my thigh muscles and it was dead easy to do at home, should you happen to have a wall or door you can slide down from standing. So you stand upright back to the wall - with both shoulders also touching it. Backs of heels say half your own foot length away from the wall and feet hip-width apart. Look directly ahead. Slide your back down the wall. Slide it back up. If it's far to painful - you're not well healed enough to be doing this, yet. To begin with you can't 'sink' very far at all - but gradually it gets easier. It's very gentle on the muscles, tendons and cartilage and not meant to feel whatsoever violent. Build up the repetitions at your own speed.

I actually found the side of the bathroom door frame about the only place in our little bungalow (that has no flat doors) I could do this without having to move furniture or remove a radiator or summat else on a wall.
One of the most useful exercises the physio taught me to do was one to develop my thigh muscles and it was dead easy to do at home, should you happen to have a wall or door you can slide down from standing. So you stand upright back to the wall - with both shoulders also touching it. Backs of heels say half your own foot length away from the wall and feet hip-width apart. Look directly ahead. Slide your back down the wall. Slide it back up. If it's far to painful - you're not well healed enough to be doing this, yet. To begin with you can't 'sink' very far at all - but gradually it gets easier. It's very gentle on the muscles, tendons and cartilage and not meant to feel whatsoever violent. Build up the repetitions at your own speed.

I actually found the side of the bathroom door frame about the only place in our little bungalow (that has no flat doors) I could do this without having to move furniture or remove a radiator or summat else on a wall.
Something I noticed was how weak my thigh muscles had become having to sit not being very mobile when I had the leg brace for 2 months so I needed to get the muscles strengthened in both legs.
One thing I did was when just sitting or laying in bed was to tense the muscles in the thighs.
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