Learning to cope and finding hope

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Duncan Morrical discovered that he had type 1 diabetes on his seventh birthday. His family was returning from an excursion to Salt Spring Island when he needed to go to the bathroom every five minutes. He was also extremely thirsty.

?I spent the trip home going between the water fountain and the bathroom,? Duncan said. ?I?d been thirsty all day and did the absolute worst thing by drinking a lot of Coke.? Unbeknownst to Duncan, the sugar in the soft drink raised his blood sugar, causing his body to try to flush it out through urination, which in turn dehydrated him even more. ?The more I drank, the thirstier I got,? he recalled.

What followed is still a bit of a blur to Duncan and his parents, Susan and Dave Morrical, who took him to their doctor. The youngster was quickly sent to the hospital. When he arrived at the emergency room, his blood sugar level was 35. Normal blood sugar concentration or blood glucose level in the blood is in the range of four to eight.

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