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Staff member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Really sorry to anyone who is having a particularly hard time with BGs at the moment, but wanted to share this.

I am smiling.

I went to collect my most reecent set of results today and had a pleasant surprise.

I knew I'd had a good few months of best-ever control between Jun and August... then a rather more wobbly September and a distinctly worse-than-current-usual October. Not *terrible* by any means, but waaaay more huge spikes and lower lows than I am used to seeing. Much higher average and much wider SD than most of this year.

November was a bit of a mixed bag, but showed improvement in the 2 weeks toward when the bloods were taken. I really didn't know whether I'd have gone back up into the 7s, stayed in the 6s or what...

Here's what I got:
HbA1c 41mmol/mol (5.9%)
Total Chol 5.0 (non fasting)
HDL 2.1 / LDL 2.5 Trigs 0.8
BP 127/82 Pulse 53

Everything else was 'normal' with the possible exception of my U+E which showed a red flag for Potassium. It was suggested that this can be just 'one of those things' so they took another test just to check it.

Very pleased. Can't remember if I've ever been in the 5% club, but suspect if I have it would have been early years after Dx 20-odd years ago!

Thank you all very much for all your support, guidance and ecnouragement. I can absolutely hand-on-heart say that I would not be typing this without you all.

If you are struggling with your pump-settings... keep going! It took me at least a year to get my head around it, and probably another 6 months of fine-tuning strategies and approaches. Keep plugging away... You will get there.
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Great results, well done you! 🙂
Great work! Those results merit a whole lot of smiling!

Putting the hard effort in really pays off with pump settings.
good job............i was at the ophthalmology clinic today and don't need to go back, just back to the usual screening clinic once a year.....🙂
That's great news, well done you! 🙂

(Jealous though 😛).
Great news NRB!

Thansk everyone 🙂
Fantastic news!

Just a thought re: potassium... are you taking blood pressure drugs? I was on bendroflumethiazide, which after a few years started messing with my sodium/potassium levels (Na a little too low, K a little too high). All returned to normal when I stopped taking it.
Thanks LeeLee, nope... No BP meds. Do you know what high potassium might mean?
Dunno... I looked up electrolytes (of which potassium and sodium are two) on Wikipedia and followed a trail that led me to the drug I was taking. I took my research to the doc, who agreed with my theory. Happily, it worked!

P.S. Nursie had tried to fob me off with 'eat fewer bananas and add more salt to your diet'
Well done everydayupsanddowns. They are really good results. Congratulations on your hard work.
Fantastic results, you have really put in the effort to get these - I appreciate your words of support with a very reasonable boast!

(I started my Accuchek Combo pump last Monday and the results aren't brilliant but I am very new to it with lots to learn. It would probably be better if I never ate.....!)
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