Latest HbA1c

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I was diagnosed Type 2 11 months ago. First HbA1c was 100, then 53 4 months later. I had another test this morning, 6 months after last one. Score was 48 today which I am disappointed with. Cholesterol is 3.3. I haven't had any potatoes, rice or pasta since diagnosis and no sweets, cakes or biscuits. Sometimes 1 piece of dark chocolate. Bread spikes my blood glucose (up from 7 to 15) so I have stopped this completely for the last few months. I have 3 or 4 portions of fruit and 1 portion of greek yoghurt every day. I am wondering if this is too much fruit although it doesn't seem to spike my blood sugar. I have 2 oatcakes at 6am just before going out with the dogs and then another breakfast usually greek yoghurt and fruit at 8 am. I've lost 1.5 stone and think I would look awful if I lost any more weight. My blood pressure is normal. I'm taking 4 x 500mg Metformin and 20 mg Atorvastatin daily and would like to stop medication. I should be having an appointment with the diabetic nurse soon.
That's an excellent reduction, though, so I wouldn't feel so disappointed, especially coming down from 100.

Diet sounds fine. What is your fasting level? If you are starting high, then it might be because you are struggling to deal with the background glucose the liver makes, and nothing to do with diet, especially as you have tested and seen fruit doesn't spike it. I eat a lot of berries and find they have a negligible effect on my level.
Thank you harbottle. My fasting blood glucose is around 6, although I don't test every morning now. I have found that 2 hours after eating blueberries and Greek yoghurt for breakfast my blood glucose level actually drops. Thank you for your kind words.
That is a brilliant score. Well done.

What about weighing/counting carbs of the fruit you are eating? Some can be deceptively high so you might benefit by swapping for less carby fruits.
Thank you Catbanj. Counting carbs in fruit is something I need to do. I avoid tropical fruit and grapes cause my blood sugar to rise. I try to eat mainly berries and usually buy what is on offer in the supermarket. We also grow raspberries in our garden.
I'm impressed with your HbA1c reduction to 39 in just a few months.
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