Latest Hba1c results

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I got the results of my latest hba1c this morning and I’m so delighted - it’s 31! I wanted to share here as you guys “get it”.

I have always maintained a good hba1c but it’s been sooooo taxing and draining. This is my first test since reframing how I look at my diabetes (by paying for a 12 week course earlier this year) as well as starting a pump in March and I can’t believe the difference. “Easy” is the wrong word, as we all know diabetes is never easy regardless of how you take your insulin, but comparatively the mental burden has been so much lower. And this hasn’t been achieved with a lot of hypos, my -3.9 is 2%.

My results have shown I’m low in vitamin D so it’s not all great news, so on to sorting that now.
Great job!
Could you share a typical days food intake pls out of interest?
Many, many congratulations on an amazing result. Can totally understand why you want to share it! Well done!

Curious to know what the course was you signed up for and if you do any particular diet?
Are you on a closed loop pump?
My results have shown I’m low in vitamin D so it’s not all great news, so on to sorting that now.
My last results showed the same so my GP simply told me to take Vit D every day, especially through the parts of the year when sunshine is in short supply.
Mine was low too in February so I was prescribed a high dose course of capsules and then advised to supplement after that which I am doing.
I got the results of my latest hba1c this morning and I’m so delighted - it’s 31! I wanted to share here as you guys “get it”.

I have always maintained a good hba1c but it’s been sooooo taxing and draining. This is my first test since reframing how I look at my diabetes (by paying for a 12 week course earlier this year) as well as starting a pump in March and I can’t believe the difference. “Easy” is the wrong word, as we all know diabetes is never easy regardless of how you take your insulin, but comparatively the mental burden has been so much lower. And this hasn’t been achieved with a lot of hypos, my -3.9 is 2%.

My results have shown I’m low in vitamin D so it’s not all great news, so on to sorting that now.
Fabulour job!

Just wanted to say if you are supplementing vitamin D, please ensure it is Vitamin D3 with K2 for better bio-availability.
Thank you all! I don’t follow a diet, just a regular well balanced diet id say.

I’m not a big morning eater so maybe a banana or protein bar for breakfast, lunch a wrap/ sandwich/ flatbread with chicken and salad along with fruit and yogurt, dinners could be anything really pasta, fish rice and veg, chicken potatoes and salad - I really enjoy food and eat pretty much anything (apart from coriander!). I would say I eat out about once/ twice per week too.

I do not deprive myself of any types of food, I don’t have a particularly sweet tooth but I do love carbs - namely pasta and potatoes (I blame my Italian and Irish heritage).

I am not on a closed loop, I currently use the Omnipod dash and libre 2.

The course was called the DCB (decide and conquer boot camp) by risely. It is American, but I wasn’t able to find anything that suited me in the UK and felt I wanted some more support than I have been getting.

Having been t1 since 1997 (7 years old) I haven’t had sort of refreshers or in depth conversations about how diabetes care has changed, and never the peripheral aspects of how diabetes can impact our lives outside of the usual insulin and food discussions. In all honesty I think part of its impact for me was actually just taking that solid time to really focus on my diabetes and myself (it’s hard to explain, obviously we are always aware of our diabetes but this was a broader look at it, if that makes any sort of sense)
Fabulour job!

Just wanted to say if you are supplementing vitamin D, please ensure it is Vitamin D3 with K2 for better bio-availability.
Oh thank you for this, I wouldn’t have known that!
Yes great result, well done @100cas.

But 2 pharmacists, one from the Tesco pharmacy chain and one running her own private (non chain or franchised) pharmacy told me that vit D3 with K2 was unnecessary and just advertising to get you separated from your money. Everyday Vit D was fine, and well advised for vitamin completeness, typically at least 25mg tablets (= 1000 units) should be enough for anyone.
Congratulations on the reduced HbA1c @100cas

Great to hear you’ve been able to manage that with only 2% time below 4.0mmol/L.

Hope your successes continue!
My Rheumatologist told me to buy normal vit D from Boots, as that is the one he uses. He also said to make sure always to walk on the sunny side of the street, preferably for 30 min betweek 11am-1pm from Easter to September.

Then if that didn't ... move further south to Cornwall as the uv is better there! Apparently the majority of folks in the NE are vit D deficient as the sun just isn't strong enough.
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