Latest HBA1C - Best Yet (continued remission)

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I just got latest HBA1C result of 35 (Ive never used meds). This is my lowest yet and came as a surprise as I've consciously raised my carb intake by a fair bit and am not quite so strict on never having odd sugar treats!

I was diagnosed in August 18 with HBA1c of 51 and went straight on a low carb restricted cal diet and had lost well over 7 stone over the next year (4 stone of it in the first 4 months). I was careful on the high fat front as my cholestrol was high so eat mainly good fats - my cholestrol level is pretty much spot on now. I was inspired by the direct study and tried the rapid weight loss theory (although not Newcastle Diet) which certainly appears to have worked for me. A big bonus is the severe sleep apnoea I had has gone (I dont use CPAP now) and no longer need BP tablets.

My HBA1c has progressed as follows, 51 Aug 19, 42 Nov 19, 38 Feb 19, 42 May 19, 37 Aug 19, 38 Dec 19, 35 March 18 (May 19 result I believe was inaccurate).

DUK are including a piece in 'your stories' shortly (and remission booket for GP surgeries) - as I mention in that, much of the inspiration came from this forum which is one of the reasons I agreed to share my experience (at diagnosis, was hungry for good news stories!). What this helped me achieve has been life changing to say the least. Thanks again to those who have responded and given advice.
Terrific news Paul, really pleased for you 🙂 A big bonus about the sleep apnoea and BP as well - you're a man transformed! 🙂
Congratulations Paul, this is a fantastic achievement.
It is very inspirational and really good to know that it is going out to a wider audience - particularly GP surgeries.
I just got latest HBA1C result of 35 (Ive never used meds). This is my lowest yet and came as a surprise as I've consciously raised my carb intake by a fair bit and am not quite so strict on never having odd sugar treats!

I was diagnosed in August 18 with HBA1c of 51 and went straight on a low carb restricted cal diet and had lost well over 7 stone over the next year (4 stone of it in the first 4 months). I was careful on the high fat front as my cholestrol was high so eat mainly good fats - my cholestrol level is pretty much spot on now. I was inspired by the direct study and tried the rapid weight loss theory (although not Newcastle Diet) which certainly appears to have worked for me. A big bonus is the severe sleep apnoea I had has gone (I dont use CPAP now) and no longer need BP tablets.

My HBA1c has progressed as follows, 51 Aug 19, 42 Nov 19, 38 Feb 19, 42 May 19, 37 Aug 19, 38 Dec 19, 35 March 18 (May 19 result I believe was inaccurate).

DUK are including a piece in 'your stories' shortly (and remission booket for GP surgeries) - as I mention in that, much of the inspiration came from this forum which is one of the reasons I agreed to share my experience (at diagnosis, was hungry for good news stories!). What this helped me achieve has been life changing to say the least. Thanks again to those who have responded and given advice.
That is a fabulous result. Did you stick to the reduced calorie amount every day or have any days off.
I also did this diet for about 10 weeks and lost 4 stone in a little longer time. My A1C dropped from 98 to 41 in that year. I then lost my way, gained a little back and am now back on track to lose the rest of my weight about 2 stone more I think to take me to a normal BMI. I am still on 2g Metformin though my review is April and my GP plans to reduce it gradually.
Well done. You are an inspiration. I am hoping for remission too.
Thanks everyone for your kind words and encouragement.

Northerner says 'man transformed' and that's exactly how I feel.

Great stuff Paul. Congrats on your terrific results.
That is a fabulous result. Did you stick to the reduced calorie amount every day or have any days off.
I also did this diet for about 10 weeks and lost 4 stone in a little longer time. My A1C dropped from 98 to 41 in that year. I then lost my way, gained a little back and am now back on track to lose the rest of my weight about 2 stone more I think to take me to a normal BMI. I am still on 2g Metformin though my review is April and my GP plans to reduce it gradually.
Well done. You are an inspiration. I am hoping for remission too.
I was very fortunate that due to the vigilance of a nurse at my GPs, I was diagnosed in the early stages with HBA1C at just 51. The HBA1c reduction you achieved is very impressive as is the weight loss. I can certainly see how difficult it is to avoid losing your way've been down to under 13 1/2 stone (I peaked at 21 1/2) but have set 14 stone as a pschological threshold above which I consider to be the first step to slipping back to my old ways. As soon as I get even slightly above this I nip it i the bud. I cycle now and again with someone who has lost a lot of weight and gradually got off metformin altogether and he's now in remission and doing great - you've obviously got a lot of determination to have done what you have so far so there's every chance you can do the same.

I set myself a limit of 1500 cals a day to see how it went, but found that I could stick to 1200 quite easily (because of the shock of the diagnosis) - some days I'd have as low as 900 - I believe the theory of rapid rather than gradual weight loss. I limited carbs to 100g per day and cut out sugar (sweets, cakes, etc). Breast chicken and green veg featured heavily along with tinned mackerel and nuts. The weight just fell off and my health and fitness dramatically improved very quickly which was a great motivator. I began exercise too - a lot of walking to start with but replaced a lot of that with cycling and got a cross trainer and rowing machine, but I've been realistic with how much time I can spend for it to be sustainable.

Ive found it very helpful to watch TV series on my iPad while on the cross trainer - it makes it so much less of a drag. I try to include exercise in my routine, e.g walking rather than transport, long phone conversations while walking instead of sitting down, stairs not lifts, etc, etc. Once my weight hovered around where I wanted it, I've gradually increased daily cals to around 2500 and carbs to 200 - 250 sometimes more. Ive kept an eye on my BG level by testing to make sure that stayed in the normal range, especially after meals as I increased food intake. I've scaled self testing right back but still keep an eye out for early warning signs - I will do this for good so there are no unexpected surprises (I remain fully aware that you don't take remission/diabetes for granted)! I am 60 in May by the way - I'd never thought it was possible to improve your health to such a degree at this stage of life and almost certainly never would have done had it not been for diabetes - which I find quite ironic!

All the very best wishes with your weight loss plan, reducing your medication and achieving remission - keep us posted.
A lot of great advice there. Thank you for that. I am trying to incorporate daily walking into my routine now. I stuck fairly rigidly to 800 cals before but with porridge for breakfast without realising how it was raising my blood sugar as I wasn't testing. I would then go without lunch and then have protein and veg followed by greek yogurt with a few flaked almonds for dessert. I am doing that again now but experimenting to find a better breakfast, if lighter then maybe a light lunch too totalling around 800 cals. Good advice with the exercise and tv. I have an exercise bike but find it so boring. I like real cycling but not every day alone. There is a 1hr programme I watch daily. I will now watch it pedalling. I am finding people telling me I have lost enough weight and stop but i need to get to healthy BMI even if I start looking gaunt. I have skinny arms and legs and carry my 2 stone around my middle still. Maybe this gives the impression I am slimmer than I actually am. For someone who has spent most of their life being the fat one, it amuses me to be told I've lost enough. I WILL get there. I don't want this medical worry anymore. Thanks for all the advice and kind words.
I just got latest HBA1C result of 35 (Ive never used meds). This is my lowest yet and came as a surprise as I've consciously raised my carb intake by a fair bit and am not quite so strict on never having odd sugar treats!

I was diagnosed in August 18 with HBA1c of 51 and went straight on a low carb restricted cal diet and had lost well over 7 stone over the next year (4 stone of it in the first 4 months). I was careful on the high fat front as my cholestrol was high so eat mainly good fats - my cholestrol level is pretty much spot on now. I was inspired by the direct study and tried the rapid weight loss theory (although not Newcastle Diet) which certainly appears to have worked for me. A big bonus is the severe sleep apnoea I had has gone (I dont use CPAP now) and no longer need BP tablets.

My HBA1c has progressed as follows, 51 Aug 19, 42 Nov 19, 38 Feb 19, 42 May 19, 37 Aug 19, 38 Dec 19, 35 March 18 (May 19 result I believe was inaccurate).

DUK are including a piece in 'your stories' shortly (and remission booket for GP surgeries) - as I mention in that, much of the inspiration came from this forum which is one of the reasons I agreed to share my experience (at diagnosis, was hungry for good news stories!). What this helped me achieve has been life changing to say the least. Thanks again to those who have responded and given advice.

Just great, Paul. You = hero!

How are you finding maintaining the weight loss?
Well done
I am finding people telling me I have lost enough weight and stop but i need to get to healthy BMI even if I start looking gaunt. I have skinny arms and legs and carry my 2 stone around my middle still. Maybe this gives the impression I am slimmer than I actually am. For someone who has spent most of their life being the fat one, it amuses me to be told I've lost enough. I WILL get there. I don't want this medical worry anymore. Thanks for all the advice and kind words.
I get exactly the same from one or two close to me. My reply is ; to look better would be a bonus, I'm doing it for my health not my looks so its what I feel like that really matters. Be guided by how you feel above anything else.
Just great, Paul. You = hero!

How are you finding maintaining the weight loss?
Thanks but you're too kind Eddy. Thanks also for the great advise you've given which has been a big help - particularly when one of my HBA1C results inexplicably jumped despite me losing more weight. This got me in a panic but your explanation that HBA1C could be inaccurate during weight loss gave me reassurance (my self BG tests also contradicted the HBA1C result). Turns out you were right, the following test was back to where it was previously.

Maintaining the weight loss although challenging is very managable. I've drawn a line in the sand at 14 stone and go on the scales every day. If my weight creeps above 14 stone, I take immediate steps to get back below again.
Congratulations - great results!
Well done Paul great result after all your hard work, glad you`re getting recognition for your effort.
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