Cummings claims a Senior Civil Servant replied to the email party invite saying it was breakings the rules. The PPS who sent the invite said he would consult Boris. Cummings also said he told Boris it
( No 10) was a madhouse and Boris should get a grip. Boris waved him away.
OK Dom Rasputin has it in for Boris ('Infamy ! infamy! They've all got it in for me') but that doesn't make his attacks untrue. I'll wait for the pictures of that booze up that clearly made a mockery of Lockdown. We were all in it together - well that lot were !
( No 10) was a madhouse and Boris should get a grip. Boris waved him away.
OK Dom Rasputin has it in for Boris ('Infamy ! infamy! They've all got it in for me') but that doesn't make his attacks untrue. I'll wait for the pictures of that booze up that clearly made a mockery of Lockdown. We were all in it together - well that lot were !