Latest Blood Tests

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I now have the results for the array of blood tests I had done last week.

Because of the ongoing foot infection the infection markers(white blood cell count and CRP) are up slightly.

The various antibiotics I have been on for seven weeks ha e had a negative effect on my stomach and appetite. This has resulted in slightly reduced iron and HDL cholesterol. Sometimes I eat little more than the carbs needed to balance my insulin intake but I must try harder to eat a healthier diet

My eGFR has so dropped again after restarting the Furosemide diuretic from 67% to 45% so I need to discuss this. It's tricky as further amputation or dialysis have less appeal than eating my own liver!

Anyway now my query. Another test flagged as abnormal was my Thyroid TSH at 0.45. Should I worry or not?

Thanks in advance...
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Anyway now my query. Another test flagged as abnormal was my Thyroid TSH at 0.45. Should I worry or not?
Have you tried doing a search for TSH ranges?
Have you tried doing a search for TSH ranges?

Yes. It is out of range for some sites but not others so quite confusing. My understanding is that thyroid problems are not in common amongst diabetics so I was particularly after comments from those with similar results.
Yes. It is out of range for some sites but not others so quite confusing. My understanding is that thyroid problems are not in common amongst diabetics so I was particularly after comments from those with similar results.
I had tests for borderline under-active thyroid but subsequent tests ruled it out, but when I researched it I saw that a very low TSH was a marker for a possible OVER-active thyroid (the other end of the scale) so maybe that's what flagged your result as abnormal. At worst your result looks borderline and worthy of a repeat test (as mine was) but best you talk to your GP if you're concerned.

And yes, diabetes is one of the risk factors.
Hi @MikeyBikey

Whacky thyroid is one that I have some experience of. Mine's underactive so I take a thyroxine supplement daily (100mcg). I had another MOT with the endocrinologist on Friday as it happens and my TSH was classed as "a little low" at 0.13. Which he interpreted as my 100mcg being marginally too much for me. But not enough to pull it down to 75mcg daily

So my very rudimentary parallel would suggest that you shouldn't worry too much about your levels

Did they also tell you your T4 and T3 levels?

Again my crude understanding is that the TSH is the stuff that prompts the thyroid to produce thyroxine and so is a marker for whether you're under or over active. Before I was diagnosed with thyroiditis my T levels were very low (showing low levels of natural thyroxine production) but my TSH was very high showing that the system was pushing really hard to get my poor thyroid to try and do something about it

Hope that gives you some context. All usual caveats apply, I'm not a doctor etc. But to my layman's eyes, I wouldn't get too worked about your levels per se
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