Latest Blood Sugar Has Come As shock


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
HbA1c 89

That's higher than when I was first diagnosed 2 years ago

I got it down to 52 with metformin and better eating but this last 12 months has seen a lot of poor diet , particularly fast food

So it's time to get on top of this again

I have been prescribed a dual appetite control and blood sugar med which I pick up later .....but the nurse has sent me on a healthy eating refresher ...which I think confirms she's saying this is not just about medication Mr Taffy
So easy to slip @Taffyboyslim - we've all done it. But you've reduced your hba1c before and you know you can do it again. Best of luck x
Great that you have noticed, and been able to identify what has changed - and that you have made a plan to address it.

It’s a real bummer, but some metabolisms just aren’t built for the environment we now live in where worse food choices (that also happen to trigger pleasure centres in the brain) are so relentlessly dangled before us, while simultaneously our lives are busy, stressful, and eating well takes more effort :(

But you’ve made a great plan, and you know it works.

Hope the new meds help, and that you can find a workable, enjoyable, and sustainable menu to balance with them 🙂
I'm assuming you're not self-testing? Your post is a good example of why self-testing can do more than just sort out our diets - it can pick up any upward trend and enable us to do something about it rather than get an unpleasant surprise at our next HbA1c. Unfortunately this is mostly lost on self-testing-averse HCPs.

As has been said, you've turned things around before so you know what you need to do.
I'm assuming you're not self-testing? Your post is a good example of why self-testing can do more than just sort out our diets - it can pick up any upward trend and enable us to do something about it rather than get an unpleasant surprise at our next HbA1c. Unfortunately this is mostly lost on self-testing-averse HCPs.

As has been said, you've turned things around before so you know what you need to do.

Self testing causes me incredible anxiety , it's out of the question
keeping a food diary may keep you on track
it needn't turn into a big project, it can just be daily, and discarded at the days end
but it could serve as a reminder when you think of snacking - 'ok nuff food/carbs for today :confused:'
I am the sane if I go off the strict diet it has a price ti pay.
I am going in the NHS Oviva plan to see if i can change my appetite.
I do eat well but I am inclined to be hungry and eat too big s portion.
As of med that did not allow sugar as makes you lets say need to go to the bathroom, I had a sweet n sour curry that set me up 7 points and 3 of those remained for a couple of days before coming back
down after gardening.
I hope my new diet as yours helps . I wonder what meds they give you to reduce appetite?
This is not easy and do easy to get fed up with it all.
Glad you can get support here and as they say you have smashed it before. All the best this time.
Being honest is s great first step telling us all is not easy .
I take my hat off to you for that.
I am the sane if I go off the strict diet it has a price ti pay.
I am going in the NHS Oviva plan to see if i can change my appetite.
I do eat well but I am inclined to be hungry and eat too big s portion.
As of med that did not allow sugar as makes you lets say need to go to the bathroom, I had a sweet n sour curry that set me up 7 points and 3 of those remained for a couple of days before coming back
down after gardening.
I hope my new diet as yours helps . I wonder what meds they give you to reduce appetite?
This is not easy and do easy to get fed up with it all.
Glad you can get support here and as they say you have smashed it before. All the best this time.
Being honest is s great first step telling us all is not easy .
I take my hat off to you for that.

Thank you very much

It's Ozempic I think