LAST STRAW..Warning rant enclosed!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
😡😡😡:Thats it! I have had enough now, was it not enough to be diagnosed with this disease and then let me have a good rest of the year?!! I am at my last tether i dont know what to do!!

Firstly am poor anyway being in a childcare job with crappy wages, enough for me to pay bills n rent etc..but leaves hardly any money for much else and living on my overdraft. next the taxman takes an extra 75 quid off me coz my tax code was wrong (tho this is sorted now thank god) now I gotta pay 70 quid to stupid orange bcoz stupid me dint realise I had to fone up my stupid orange contract to end it n they kept chargin me!! Even tho i wasn't usin the fone coz they cut the sim! i owe numerous people money which i have not got and i am just so stressed out now and dont know what to do i dont think i can get myself out of this one! This leaves me with around 50 quid for the month!!

so now I am a diabetic with hardly any money to buy food which I kinda need! Just everythin goin rong and I'm sick of it! I know its not just me that has problems n u think I moan all the time but I just feel I'm bein targeted :( I don't need this stress. Rant over!!
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the fone was in my friends name, she phoned them and after some shouting managed to get the bill from 90 down to 70 and nothin else can be done, they take the money just at a loss of what to do about food! and its gonna happen all again next month when my overdraft goes out and im in my next one...i think im gona have to face the fact of getting another job or this will keep happening! i just keep thinkin why me...have i not been through enough!! i know everyone has problems not just me but typing this all out does help a little
keep typing hun its good to get it out !!
just read your post and what i advise is go straight away to the citizens advice bureau as they can make the banks freeze any charges as you need your money to buy food, that is a priority, you can't live on 50 pounds for the month, go and get advice asap
just read your post and what i advise is go straight away to the citizens advice bureau as they can make the banks freeze any charges as you need your money to buy food, that is a priority, you can't live on 50 pounds for the month, go and get advice asap

agree you should see CAB, but even the CAB can't freeze charges straight off - i used to work for RBS in their collections centre, aka the people who ring you if you have gone over your agreed overdraft and demand you pay it back - the CAB may be able to get it done eventually, but it is a long drawn out process that can end up affecting your credit rating.

you can ask to speak to someone in your branch and ask as a gesture of goodwill they refund any charges youve had/waive any pending ones, but again, no guarantees they will do it! banks are banks, they want your money :(

also would your bank be willing to give you a temporary overdraft, say like an extra ?100, that would drop off automatically after a month or something?
Go see the CAB and get help and advice. It may be you are also entitled to tax credits as you are on a low income, so see whatt he DSS can do too. I hope things are sorted for you soon.
Thanks guys im feeling alot better today (check latest thread) the money is gone alredy so i cant do anything about that now but i have looked into tax credits and benefits and unfortunately i am entitled to nothing :(

I will have to sort something out, maybe increase my overdraft or something. i have great support here and from my friends n family x
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