Last nights terrible hypo

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
You know those ones that just won't drop, whatever you eat?

Well, it was 2am and I was having one of those and doubly terrified because I felt very, very nauseous and kept retching into a plastic bag (ew, i know, ew)

3.9 just before bed, so I decide to eat something
1 hour later 3.1 hmmmmm ok, so I decide to have a couple of glucotabs
1.5hours later 2.1 and dropping like a stone.

Matt and I were up most of the night trying to sort it out, and there were lots and lots of tears from me because I felt awful, just's wierd...but I actually felt that I would wake up in hospital

Matt got some cranberry & rasperry juice down me though. And then he elected to stay up longer and wake me up an hour later to see how it was doing.

9.8 at 4.30am when he finally came to bed

Now I'm only just up, exhausted and feeling like death warmed up. BGs were 8.9. I just feel baaaaaaaaadddddddddddddddd and headachy and like I want to sleep all day. But I can't, as I have an appointment at an employment agency place at 3pm. Lame.
Ugh - I hate that feeling. The only way I can describe it is as a bit like being horribly hungover, not good when you have to get up. Hopefully if you stay in bed a wee bit more, you will feel better by 3pm.
ta all. Nah, going to keep my appointment, it's not an interview so they can deal with me being slightly off the ball I think. If this had happened tomorrow I would not be impressed as I've got my interview with the museum in winchester.
Sorry to hear this, hope the hypo hangover isn't too bad - not fair when you haven't enjoyed the drinks beforehand, stupid diabetes fairy!
Hope you feel better today and have good numbers. Good luck with employment agency, hope something comes of it.
I absolutely hate it when that happens. Hope your feeling a bit better now and your employment interview went well x
You know those ones that just won't drop, whatever you eat?

Well, it was 2am and I was having one of those and doubly terrified because I felt very, very nauseous and kept retching into a plastic bag (ew, i know, ew)

3.9 just before bed, so I decide to eat something
1 hour later 3.1 hmmmmm ok, so I decide to have a couple of glucotabs
1.5hours later 2.1 and dropping like a stone.

Matt and I were up most of the night trying to sort it out, and there were lots and lots of tears from me because I felt awful, just's wierd...but I actually felt that I would wake up in hospital

Matt got some cranberry & rasperry juice down me though. And then he elected to stay up longer and wake me up an hour later to see how it was doing.

9.8 at 4.30am when he finally came to bed

Now I'm only just up, exhausted and feeling like death warmed up. BGs were 8.9. I just feel baaaaaaaaadddddddddddddddd and headachy and like I want to sleep all day. But I can't, as I have an appointment at an employment agency place at 3pm. Lame.

Have you been on any other medication? Like antibiotics or something?
I was put on something last year to treat a chest infection, and they made me drop REALLY low and like you, took AGESSSSSSSS to get my bloods back up. I was 1.1 at one point!! When we read the leaflet, (I KNOW! we should've read the info leaflet first ANYWAY) it said that the tablets could cause hypo-glycemia. Quite WHY they gave them to a diabetic I DON'T know!!
Hope you're feeling better, hypos are HORRIBLE :(
Have you been on any other medication? Like antibiotics or something?
I was put on something last year to treat a chest infection, and they made me drop REALLY low and like you, took AGESSSSSSSS to get my bloods back up. I was 1.1 at one point!! When we read the leaflet, (I KNOW! we should've read the info leaflet first ANYWAY) it said that the tablets could cause hypo-glycemia. Quite WHY they gave them to a diabetic I DON'T know!!
Hope you're feeling better, hypos are HORRIBLE :(

Nope :/ the only other thing I take is gabapentin for my feets. And they don't cause hypos :/ Sometimes these things happen though i guess :/

Oooooh I wish I was feeling better :(
Feeling the pain.... At this ungodly hour i have a blood sugar of 2.0 :-( it was 5 before bed- so I ate 0.75 cp's!!! (I resent eating because I have too - hence the 0.75 and no
more!! This all stems from years of 'snacks' I had to force myself to eat when I was younger on 2 mixed injections!!)

Anyhow off the point ...... So yes just woke up feeling pretty rough And blood is 2!

I live alone so have to sort myself out!! But after some apple juice And a teacake I'm feeling ok!! Just hope I can say the same tomorrow morning!!!

And the only good thing (trying to be positive about all this!!) us at least I woke up, as lately I seemed to not wake from hypos!! Only prob is it's most nights this week!!!!
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Uhg - that's horrible. Hope you're feeling better soon. As a parent I don't know what it physically feels like, but I feel terrible too when this happens to C. After reading about everyone having hypo "hangovers", I will have to ask her about that. She never mentiones that she's feeling bad after episodes like this one.

A big Hug to you AND your partner too. He must have been stressed too.
It takes me most of the day to feel even remotely normal again. It's like me bones are full of lead and I have no strength. I hope your meeting/interview(?) went well and you're feeling better now. Early night?
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