Laser (probably) appt on monday...

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Well, the next eye appt is monday, from what happened at the last appt if he doesn't see a big improvement the doc is going to be keen to up the ante & use the more powerful laser in theatre (or "sledgehammer approach" as he called it or "laser of doom" as I prefer lol!). Really hope it doesn't come to this, as I find the normal laser quite enough ta, and this one is apparently 3x more powerful. Not my idea of fun. I'm hoping to be able to persuade him to leave things alone for another couple of months on the grounds that I've just got the pump & can we let things settle down on (hopefully) a better HbA1c & see what that does... Anyway, fingers crossed. I'm offline from tonight, so at least I won't have the chance to read lots of horror stories about it on the 'net! 🙄

Just got to try not to stress about it all weekend (stress = bad for retinopathy apparently, doh! I have kids! 🙄). What a horrible week & half it's been - lets hope it gets better!!! Hope everyone else has a good one...
I hope it all goes well Twitchy, and that he is able to leave it alone to see how things go. I've finally got my appointment through for the eye hospital - 4th November! I'm hoping that whatever they saw on my retinopathy scan has magically gone, or they find they've made a mistake! You couldn't get a better HbA1c than me (5.2, 5.4, 5.6) and I've still got retinopathy! Grrr!!
All the very best, let us all know how it goes. It does sound sensible to wait a bit longer, hope the doc can agree with that. It's horrible waiting for these appts. Hope you manage to have a decent weekend. xx
Laser treatment is not very nice as you well know, hope all goes well on Monday and the 'laser of doom' is no longer necessary. Toby.
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