Lantus vs levemir (with a coeliac aside)

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Just wondering if anyone has any opinions on the use of lantus over levemir or vice versa as their basal insulin? I went to my clinic today (HbA1c 9.2 - not good 😡) and my new doctor was a bit shocked by the erraticness of my blood sugars. No rhyme or reason between peaks and troughs. He swiftly decided to change my basal insulin from lantus (which I've been on for years) to levemir because he said it might help to reduce the erratic swinging of my blood sugars. Has anybod switched between the 2 before? And what did you think? Also... As a bit of an aside he said he thinks coeliac disease might be a possible cause of the swinging (my thyroid function was slightly too active too, I'm having a blood test to check this) and he said there's a link between type 1 diabetes and coeliac. Again, anyone a coeliac sufferer - help, please!
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