lantus to degludec (Tresiba) do I move injection times?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

I've recentLy had my long acting insulin changed to degludec from lantus as lantus wasn't lasting long enough.

I usually take lantus at 7:30pm but want to start taking degludec in the morning as I was told I could.

How do I change the injection time?

I was on 14.5 of lantus and being started on 12 of degludec.
The DSN should have told you how to do this, when are you changing over, I'd give your team a call in the morning to ask for their opinion x
The consultant prescribed it and didn't tell me how to move the injection.! Just said y can take it in the morning. Will ring DSN tomorrow, just wondered if anyone knew x
I'm unsure but I would presume you would need to miss a dose of your lantus, definitely safer calling the team though, good luck 🙂 x
My basal has also just changed and my DSN told me what I needed to do and the times, so I would definitely ring them to ask as @Kaylz suggested, also the change may affect your levels, I've had a couple of hypos today due to the change so ask if you're likely to feel any ill effects so you can prepare as best you can. Good luck x
Degludec is also known as Tresiba. It might be better if you or an admin (@Northerner?) can change the title of this thread as we do have members on Tresiba that might be able to help.

Ringing your DSN first thing is probably your best bet, though as they can give you professional advice
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