lantus issues again :(

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
ok, tomorrow i am phoning nursey. why? because i am totally fed up of waking on high levels and then sitting there feeling too guilty to eat anything despite having injected and levels getting higher by the second 😡 I need some help with this. I gave in this morning and ate anyway, followed by a rage bolus. I am waiting for the comedown.

Since reducing lantus doses, this is happening EVERY DAY. And I am not waking up with the hypo headache. what is going on???????

I can't get this right and i am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fed up of it 😡
Can you tell us how much Lantus you take, and when?

I had trouble with my Lantus insulin a while ago where the amount I needed changed for no reason - it's now back to normal again.

What I did to fix mine when it changed was:

1. Try to eat dinner at least 4 hours before you go to bed (so no fast insulin is in your system)

2. Check your BG before you go to sleep, again ideally at least 4 hours after you're last fast insulin (you can also check BG at 3am if you think you're going hypo and then re-bounding high in the morning)

3. Check your BG again in the morning.

Do this for 2-3 nights to make sure the results aren't a one off.

If you're BG is ok when you go to bed but high in the morning (without hypo-ing through) then it's more than likely you need more Lantus.

If you're hypoing and re-bounding you may need to reduce your Lantus.

This is one of my main issues with lantus. I find it very difficult to get a dose where i'm not dropping or rising overnight. :( When do you take your lantus? I was having problems when I took my lantus in the morning because it was running out and I was waking up in the teens every morning. Switching it to a night time injection helped a little. I'm sure nursey will have other helpful suggestions! 🙂

Also, in my DAFNE course, one girl had a problem where she was waking up high, and correcting and not eating, and still staying high. The nurse suggested that she have a little bit of carb (and bolus for it) when she corrected, and it helped a lot, and I've noticed the same thing myself. the nurse said that sometimes when you're high, and you don't eat, the body thinks you're starving and so the liver kicks out more glucose, and a little bit of carb stops that.

And I love the term rage bolus. :D We've certainly all been there!
Can you tell us how much Lantus you take, and when?

I had trouble with my Lantus insulin a while ago where the amount I needed changed for no reason - it's now back to normal again.

What I did to fix mine when it changed was:

1. Try to eat dinner at least 4 hours before you go to bed (so no fast insulin is in your system)

2. Check your BG before you go to sleep, again ideally at least 4 hours after you're last fast insulin (you can also check BG at 3am if you think you're going hypo and then re-bounding high in the morning)

3. Check your BG again in the morning.

Do this for 2-3 nights to make sure the results aren't a one off.

If you're BG is ok when you go to bed but high in the morning (without hypo-ing through) then it's more than likely you need more Lantus.

If you're hypoing and re-bounding you may need to reduce your Lantus.


see, nursey said if levels are ok before bed (which they have been) but I'm waking up high then it means i'm having too much lantus, so reduce it. She reckons its night time hypo and then a rebound from it.

I don't know if its DP, I have no way of knowing at all.

I was on 18 units, but waking up either super low or super high (like 18 high). Reduced to 16, still waking up high with hypo headaches but i didnt realise it at the time. Tried 17, thought it was working, then the hypo headaches and high morning levels came back. Tried 15 and saw high levels, still a few headaches but not so much so thoiught it was hypo related. Then they went away. I've been having 14u for the past week or so, every morning waking high. Yet I don't know if its hypo related or not. All I know is that before bed readings are around 8 or 9 and i don't bother eating or doing anything.

I've had lantus issues for years.
This is one of my main issues with lantus. I find it very difficult to get a dose where i'm not dropping or rising overnight. :( When do you take your lantus? I was having problems when I took my lantus in the morning because it was running out and I was waking up in the teens every morning. Switching it to a night time injection helped a little. I'm sure nursey will have other helpful suggestions! 🙂

Also, in my DAFNE course, one girl had a problem where she was waking up high, and correcting and not eating, and still staying high. The nurse suggested that she have a little bit of carb (and bolus for it) when she corrected, and it helped a lot, and I've noticed the same thing myself. the nurse said that sometimes when you're high, and you don't eat, the body thinks you're starving and so the liver kicks out more glucose, and a little bit of carb stops that.

And I love the term rage bolus. :D We've certainly all been there!

I have it at 9pm every night. It seems to have worked when i first started having issues with it, or at least noticing the issues, now i'm still waking up with high levels 😡

even if i eat breakfast and bolus for it, I end up with levels of 18plus a couple of hours later. And that is with my normal breakfast insulin, which works if my levels are good >.< with the correction too.

I take 26 units of Lantus at 12:30pm (lunchtime). As it's supposed to last 24 hours I was told you can choose any time of day to take it, although most people take it in the morning or night. Lunchtime is just more convenient for me.

Sam - The only sure way to tell if it's making you hypo through the night is the 3am BG test. It's a pain having to set the alarm for that early, but you only need to do it a couple of nights in a row and the info you get from it can be really worth it.

i've DONE 3am tests, its when i go to bed. Even on nights where I don't go to bed at 3am, levels are rarely low

i'm not doing any more 3am tests. Not happening.
Hi Sam, I may be wrong, but I think that a 3 am test is only applicable if you've been asleep for some time before it, as it represents the likely 'low' point of your metabolism. If you go to bed at 3, then a 6 or 7 am test might be more appropriate.
hmmmm, still. Not something i want to do unless its totally necessary. Even when i did a 3am test after sleeping, or 4am whenever, levels were 90% of the time at decent levels.

Maybe it has something to do with sleeping in? Maybe if i get up at a decent time then itll be ok? :D
Sam - maybe try a test at about 6 in the morning. If your level is ok then, but high when you get up that would indicate DP.

I would speak to the nurse about 2 doses of levemir again - see if she things that would help.
Sam - maybe try a test at about 6 in the morning. If your level is ok then, but high when you get up that would indicate DP.

I would speak to the nurse about 2 doses of levemir again - see if she things that would help.

thanks, i think i might give that one a go 🙂
It probably is the sleeping in. If I sleep in too late I go high. And northe is right, the 3am test doesnt apply if you are going to bed at 3am, I have that problem too 😉 i'd test at 6am.
ok, so i went to bed early last night due to a high and feeling like crap. This high, i had to correct so out of curiosoiuty i made matt wake me at 3am (it was more like 3.30) and i came out at 3.8. Treated it and slept, didn't treat it with too much mind, nowhere near overkill.

and i still wake up at 16.8
the levels have been higher since dropping down to 14u.
Can you get nursey to lend you a continuous glucose monitor for a few days to find out exactly what is going on at night?
Can you get nursey to lend you a continuous glucose monitor for a few days to find out exactly what is going on at night?

i was just thinking the same thing 😉

i'm waiting on a call back from her at the moment so will see what she says
I think a CGMS would be really helpful to see whats going on.

I found that splitting my lantus dose worked well for me so that might be an option for you. I found that it gave me a smoother profile and I didn't have the gap where it was running out.
I sued to be on lantus and often had the dp thing...

I have changed over to levemir and its much better.. i wake up with much lower readings instead of up in the 16s or 17s.

I used to hate the dp cause i would check at 3am and would be within normal range then by 7 or 8am i would be up at 16 or 17. that used to drive me nuts.

but its all good in the hood :D lol
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