Lantus first injection

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Did my first Lantus injection this morning all went without a glitch.

Many thanks for all the advice about it and did remember to take it out of the fridge for a little while before using it.

Have an appt first thing Wednesday to discuss diabetic issues.

For now take care all,

Well done! Hope you see a bit of improvement in your levels soon.

You do know that the in-use pen stays out of the fridge now don't you and is good for up to 28 or 30 days or whatever Lantus specifies, although I am guessing it will be used up before then.
I keep my basal insulin on the bedside table and inject as soon as I wake up because my liver chucks out glucose as soon as I set foot out of bed, so as soon as I can get that basal insulin in, the better.
Well done.

There is no need to keep the pens that you are currently using in the fridge. They are good for about 28 days, some say 30 days, kept out of the fridge. I put a date on mine once it is out of the fridge with the discard date (28 days ahead)

Well done again on your first Lantus.
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Well done, that first step is the biggest one, I think. Glad to hear your first time went well.

I've been diagnosed as Type 1 for almost a year and when I was told I'd be injecting for the rest of my days, I was slightly nervous. Then I did it for the first time and I thought "is that it?" I had built it up in my mind as being worse than it is.

I am very much aware my experience isn't other people's experience, but now it's almost nothing for me to do it every day. I think the best way I can put it is that it does get easier the more you get used to doing it. I've told friends & family about this and they're skeptical. Maybe it's the idea I've told them I inject myself everyday, and that gives people a certain picture, but the needles on the pens are so small and thin that it's not bad to me, unless I hit a funny angle or something, which is rare.
I keep my basal insulin on the bedside table and inject as soon as I wake up because my liver chucks out glucose as soon as I set foot out of bed, so as soon as I can get that basal insulin in, the better.
Going to give that a try regarding inject as soon as awake, by the time I faff about and get down stairs ten minutes has gone by, never thought it would make much difference, oh well live and learn..
Going to give that a try regarding inject as soon as awake, by the time I faff about and get down stairs ten minutes has gone by, never thought it would make much difference, oh well live and learn..
Makes a huge difference to me in preventing morning spikes.
Did my first Lantus injection this morning all went without a glitch.

Many thanks for all the advice about it and did remember to take it out of the fridge for a little while before using it.

Have an appt first thing Wednesday to discuss diabetic issues.

For now take care all,


Excellent, lantus for some people can sting so best used at room temp, unless temp is really hot there's no need to keep your current pen in fridge, just your spare ones.
sat here with a bit of a giggle didn't know i could keep it out of the fridge once i started using it. different stuff to what i have been using previous. tell you i am a right one 😳:D will it still be okay to use?
Yes, it's fine to use if you have been putting it in and out of the fridge but as said, it can sting a bit if you inject it when it is still cold from the fridge, plus it is more convenient just to keep it by the bed if you inject before bed or first thing in the morning.
Oh heck started to get some weird stuff going on after doing the Lantus injections. Just done a interactions check and sure enough it interacts with the Losarten i am taking along with the liver disease i have. why didn't the pharm team get this flagged up! will have to report then find something else to try. interaction showing 'moderate' with Losarten not sure what the situation is with having stage 2 fibrosis. 😳:(
should of added hand skin rashes and started getting the runs each day getting worse and very bad yesterday think that would be through interacting with the liver 😳 skin rashes poss interacting with the Losarten :( def can't change the BP med as it has taken ages just to get one which agrees with me and def can't change my liver wish i could though.
Just done an interactions check and sure enough it interacts with the Losarten i am taking along with the liver disease i have. why didn't the pharm team get this flagged up!
They won’t have needed to flag it up because your diabetes team will have advised you an appropriate dose of Lantus to minimise risk of hypos. The ‘interaction’ between insulin and loads of meds it that other meds can affect your blood sugars so might mean you need to change insulin dose. But we change insulin doses all the time anyway.
Hope you can navigate through balancing the different meds you need @mikeydt1
@mikeydt1 - The patient info leaflet for Lantus states that it may react with ACE inhibitors which are indeed blood pressure drugs but Losarton is absolutely NOT an ACE - instead, it's an ARB! Plus the ACE drugs are those ending with ~pril in their names eg Lisinopril, Ramipril etc. I thought blimey, cos I'd been using Lantus for years before I even needed blood pressure medication and took Losartan too! (which caused me low sodium eventually and I had to kiss a lot more frogs before finding another BP drug that worked without unwelcome side effects) - Lisinopril caused me to 'dry' cough, which is common with them, so they went by the wayside 20+ years ago.
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