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LADA diabetes or type 1.5


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Ive just been for a follow up at my diabetes clinic and after having a blood test my consultant has just told me that im not a type 1 or a type 2 but i have something else known as type 1.5 but it will eventually develop into type 1.

Just wondering what anybody else knows of this or whether they have been given this diagnosis aswel.

The good news is that my hba1c is 5.2!

Thanks Emma x
congrats on the A1c thats fantastic!

type 1.5 is autoimmune like type 1 and is like a slower onset type 1. I'd be interested to find out if your doctor did the test to confirm this.

what treatment are you on at the moment?
Yes he did the test known as GAD or something. I was diagnosed as a type 1 4 months ago and presented with all the typical type 1 symptoms. I am currently using novorapid and levemir. The consultant did say that when people are diagnosed withe this type 1.5 they usually take tablets but as i am doing well with what im doing so far and im getting good results there would be no point in changing. Plus people usually end up progressing on to insulin anyway. Starting carb counting soon dont understand it at all!!
yeah that test will confirm that you have type 1. In the US they put most people on insulin if they are type 1.5 because it's believed to preserve beta cells so that the honeymoon is longer and the diabetes is easier to control. tablets also have side effects, so i reckon it's a good idea to stay on insulin.

carb counting is quite straight forward once you get the hang of it. If you need any help I carb count and theres quite a few people here who have been on DAFNE so I'm sure someone will be able to answer your questions.
Ive just been for a follow up at my diabetes clinic and after having a blood test my consultant has just told me that im not a type 1 or a type 2 but i have something else known as type 1.5 but it will eventually develop into type 1.

Just wondering what anybody else knows of this or whether they have been given this diagnosis aswel.

The good news is that my hba1c is 5.2!

Thanks Emma x
Hi Emma,
I'm type 1.5 myself.

When I was first diagnosed with diabetes at 29, I showed no real symptoms (I was thirsty all the time, but put that down to a hot summer and lot's of outdooors activity) and was put onto Gliclazide.

Over the next few years my control gradually became worse as I was put on to more tablets then upped my doses to the maximum. Eventually I went on to insulin 4 times a day and still have issues with control. (Last HbA1c was 10.4)

I don't know about you, but find it annoying some times that people (including some doctors) only classify it as type 1 or 2. Personally, I think there are really as many different types as there are people with diabetes.

As a note to Admin, any chance of adding type 1.5 / LADA / MODY / other to the type of diabetes in the profiles?
Well, there you go - I'd never heard of Type 1.5/LADA before coming here. When I was diagnosed I was suffering from DKA, so fairly obviously my beta cells had conked out, but it was suggested to me that the process may have started months before. Thinking back, I did have some symptoms. I had been losing weight progressively going from 11.5 stone to 9.5 stone over 2 years with no apparent cause, plus I had had a great thirst for a long time, although I put that down to the fact that I was quite a heavy drinker and thus dehydrated a lot of the time. My DSN said that the fact that I did a lot of running may have helped to make best use of what little insulin I was producing, and it was only when I caught a virus that 'critical mass was reached.

When I went into hospital I weighed 8st 4 lbs, now back up to 9st. My BG was 37 mmol/l and my HBA1c 11.8 (currently 6.7).

I guess Type 1.5 wasn't mentioned because I'd already progressed to Type 1.