LADA and Gestational

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Does anyone know if Lada and Gestational are linked. I'm going to a diabetic clinic at the end of the month to see if I've been miss diagnosed over the last 12 years. The clinic phoned and said although I tick almost all boxes for LADA I did have Gestational?? So I'm wondering if its impossible to have had Gestational and to then develop LADA.
Well - yes! LADA looks very like T2 to begin with for a lot of people and even responds to T2 drugs and treatment until (and it can be years) it eventually stops responding to eg Metformin or gliclazides and ONLY insulin can do the job.
I agree with TrophyWench. I have LADA, but I was previously misdiagnosed with type 2 diabetes for 5 years before they realised I was actually type 1. I was tried on Metformin, Gliclazide and Stitagliptin before eventual re-diagnosis. Once I was started on insulin I started to feel a million times better.
It is being realised now that many people previously diagnosed with type 2 are actually type 1, or LADA.
There could well be a link between your gestational diabetes and developing LADA now. LADA can take many years to develop, and is a chronic onset, instead of the acute that is normally seen in type 1.
Let us know how you get on at the clinic!
Thank you for your response. After the initial conversation on the phone with the diabetic nurse she seemed to think it couldnt be LADA because I'd had I want to go armed with some facts. I will keep you posted. I was diagnosed at 38 with type 2 and 10 years later my Hbac1 went from normal to 78. I've struggled with different drugs to bring it down. My BM1 is normal and I'm an active person. My job involves being on my feet all day so when I heard about LADA I thought this could be me. My Doctor hadn't even heard of it which is a bit worrying but she was good enough to refer me!
So Laura - what drugs do you use to control your diabetes?
I'm on 4 x 500mg Metformin
2 x 80 mg Gliclazide
I was on alogliptin but have been changed to 25 mg Empagliflozin which has brought my sugars down to 56.
Hi I was diagnosed about 28 years ago at 42 after several years of symptoms and gestational diabeties There is history of diabetics early Type Twos in my mother and other family members though sparse as many didnt have children.

I started diet and exercise, the metformin, stitagiptin and flozlim types, increased lack of control despite tight diet. Now on mixed insulin three times a day no diabetic pills and BS in range but still on tight diet and have to be careful about exercise. Seeking those like me and good advice for life on Mixed insulin 25/75 Hummalog. Hope this is okay post. Am. In Scotland.

Intend to follow this thread as thinking of asking about LADA as I dont seem to produce insulin in any quantity.
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