LADA and Flash Monitoring...?


Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA

I am type LADA. I fingerprick test at least ten times a day and am insulin dependent. However, my consultant at Mile End hospital has told me that I do not qualify for flash monitoring because I am not Type 1. However - I've just looked it up, and according to online sources - including diabetes UK - LADA IS a type of Type 1 diabetes... Am I being fobbed off? I feel that I do fulfil the criteria of having Type 1 diabetes - even if it is a rare variant! What has been the experience of other LADA folk with this?
I think you qualify.... I did. I told them I was most like a type 1 as I was insulin dependant. They really couldn’t argue. Just keep pushing, they’ll give in eventually.

The last time I was at my review, the doctor didn’t call it a ‘rare variant’ he called me ‘exotic’! which I thought was a much better term :D
I think you're not the only person to have this issue. Some, their lack of insulin production was down to an operation. So they don't have the autoimmune cause.
Though the end result is the same, no insulin, medical classifications come into affect.
From another late onset person, I have simply been classified as T1, and have the flash moitoring on prescription, even though my original letter from my consultant said LADA. However quickly the destruction of the beta cells was, and this tends to be slower in those of us a bit older, it still leads to the same thing, which I am happy to call T1. I think you are being fobbed off.
This is the problem with descriptive classifications. “1.5” is such a descriptive diagnosis - it just means late onset Type 1. You are just being excluded because you are not classified as T1. But you are T1, as I am, despite being diagnosed at 43, as many on the forum have been. Just tell the docs that you are late onset T1. They can’t refuse you Libre prescriptions on the grounds of age of onset.

It’s worthwhile getting your doc to change your record to show T1 to stop a similar thing happening if you should ever need to use an insulin pump.
As a Type 1.5 LADA based in Aberdeen I have just been prescribed a Libre So keep pushing it is a great help to see the overnight ups & downs. No one queried with me as to being LADA ?
Thanks everyone. I called the clinic today and was given the number for my consultant's receptionist. She has passed a message on to him explaining that I want to discuss this... We shall see what happens!
Thanks everyone. I called the clinic today and was given the number for my consultant's receptionist. She has passed a message on to him explaining that I want to discuss this... We shall see what happens!
I wish you all the best in getting the Libre