Lack of supplies

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Little Miss Chatterbox
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Was reading through the bbc news site earlier and came across this little story about a family being effected by this icelandic ash thing.Karen Abbott, from Southampton, is stuck in Singapore with her husband and daughter, who has diabetes and is insulin-dependent. she said the family stock of medication is running out, how awful for the girl I wonder what will happen if she totally runs out of insulin.
you would hope they would be able to get to an emergency hospital where they could help her out. honestly, it's my worst nightmare. i can't even begin to imagine what it's like knowing you might run out. did you know after Haiti there was a fund thing set up to help diabetics out there? i only heard about it a while after the event.
Yeah i heard about that, surely even in Singapore they will be resources like you say a hospital where they can get more supplies, it would scare the life out of me .
Thats weird you osted this Steff because it keeps playing on my mind....I would be really worried that if something like this were to happen then I would be really pushing my supplies.. worrying isnt it?

Not only that but the supplies you do have with you might be at risk- it is always advisable to have a decent frio to keep your insulin cool for as long as possible I guess...
My own personal rule is to carry twice as much of what I would normally need with me when I go away for whatever reason. I've never had a Frio but I suppose I should get one or two!

My own personal rule is to carry twice as much of what I would normally need with me when I go away for whatever reason. I've never had a Frio but I suppose I should get one or two!


i too carry twice as much as i need - i give the other lot to whoever i'm travelling with! when i went to Prague in Jan, my mum had a spare lot of insulin, needles and pens, and i also packed some into my nan's case. you can never be too careful.
In this instance though this was something no one expected and i bet the girl had enough of a supply but things like this dont happen do they.I doubt they left the house thinking we must be aware of that ash in iceland and go back and grab alot more supplies 🙂
In this instance though this was something no one expected and i bet the girl had enough of a supply but things like this dont happen do they.I doubt they left the house thinking we must be aware of that ash in iceland and go back and grab alot more supplies 🙂

lol steff!! think you could be right somehow 🙂
i too carry twice as much as i need - i give the other lot to whoever i'm travelling with! when i went to Prague in Jan, my mum had a spare lot of insulin, needles and pens, and i also packed some into my nan's case. you can never be too careful.

I don't really do that. I just put it all in my hand luggage if I'm flying or I just have it in a bag that never leaves my side.

I don't really do that. I just put it all in my hand luggage if I'm flying or I just have it in a bag that never leaves my side.


i'm what you might call slightly paranoid, and worry that i will get mugged/drop my bag in a canyon/etc etc etc, so i always give my spares to someone else.
It's awful isn't it...i hope that they can find supplies from somewhere. One of the families on CWD UK is stuck in America but they have taken enough for their child at the moment. Doesn't bear thinking about....
yup i think its every insulin dependant diabetics worse nightmare hun x
My biggest fear too! Read today that possibly pharmaceutical supplies may be affected by the flight ban, as a lot come from abroad.

Have just put in a shipping order for every single thing on my repeat list - and will again next week to stock up!
I normally take more insulin than I need, same with my tablets, my flight bag is full of insulin and diabetic stuff and my case is packed with a pharmacy full of tablets, I am surprised the sniffer dogs have never attacked it lol... I did run out of needles in Florida, but just went to the Walmart pharmacy and bought a box, think it cost about $25..
Wonder if it would be possible to get a "travel" prescription from your GP just in case- one that would just be to confirm that you are entitled to the meds - you should then be able to claim back the cost using this and a receipt? This should certainy work in the EU - it has to be be good for something😉
This should certainy work in the EU - it has to be be good for something
It certainly works the other way. My EHIC is issued in France and I have had no cost emergency treatment froman NHS walk in centre.
The EHIC has fuller coverage than the old E111 covering ongoing treatment not just emergency care so things like strips and lancets as well as necessary insulin would be covered. If you were stuck for long enough even things like regular blood tests would be included. (though you might have to pay upfront and claim when you return)
I drove 250 miles to see my parents, then spent 2 hours in a small injuries clinic trying to get a supply of insulins which I'd left in Edinburgh. And that was on my 40th birthday! Needless to say I take slightly better care when packing to be away now.
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