Lack of sleep grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
im not sleeping very well at the moment as you know i have mental health issues and things are a bit cack at moment. last couple of weeks sleep has been cr*p im lucky if i get 2-3 hours a nite. gp has put my Temazepam up from 10mg to 30mg a nite. its now 5am and i have not slept at all have you any idea how much sh*t there is on tv at night am very very temped to take tonights temazepam as well but that would then leave me with nothing for tonight, my gp with my past history is a canny git about giving me meds. i dont even knoe why im posting this hope it makes sense as i feel like my eyes are in my feet
Hi Gail just rant away. I suspect that your mind is racing which is stopping you sleeping. Have you tried writing down whats going through your head - that is often enough to let me get to sleep otherwise stuff just goes round and round your head.

You wouldn't change your GP for anything would you he/she is doing his best to take care of you - that isn't something we hear a lot of here.

I hope that you manage to get some sleep.
As well as medication and writing down thoughts (as sugggested by Margie), many people find "sleep hygiene" routines help eg physical exercise during daytime, bedtime routine - whatever helps you eg milky drink, warm bath / shower etc. Hope you sleep better tonight, after a good day.
I too sleep very badly and find that I have to get up wander round the house, which is only a little bungalow so can't get lost,then back to bed, put digital radio on so listen to radio 7. That doesn't always do the trick so I just read a book, say my prayers,unload all my troubles onto my Maker and eventually am in the land of nod. I haven't a full night sleep since 1978. If any one offered me a full eight hours sleep against a million pounds I'd take the eight hours.
I have a clock/radio/cd at my bedside and have a cd of soothing music (ocean waves, birds twittering with muzak). Seems to distract my mind if I concentrate on listening to that. Only problem is all that water sometimes makes me want to get up for a pee! 😱

Not being able to sleep is awful, and the stress of trying to get to sleep and feeling you won't succeed is often what keeps you awake. Something I used to do years ago was recite a poem I had learned off by heart in my head - stopped me thinking about troubling things and I often got to sleep before finishing!

Hoping things improve soon Gail. You're doing really well after all you've been through 🙂
I find the radio by my bed useful too.

The World Service at 3am usually puts me to sleep toot sweet! But anything that can distract the mind and stop it thinking "why can't I get to sleep" is helpful.

im not sleeping very well at the moment as you know i have mental health issues and things are a bit cack at moment. last couple of weeks sleep has been cr*p im lucky if i get 2-3 hours a nite. gp has put my Temazepam up from 10mg to 30mg a nite. its now 5am and i have not slept at all have you any idea how much sh*t there is on tv at night am very very temped to take tonights temazepam as well but that would then leave me with nothing for tonight, my gp with my past history is a canny git about giving me meds. i dont even knoe why im posting this hope it makes sense as i feel like my eyes are in my feet

Hi Gail sorry to here your not sleeping very well... Yes its 3am and Guess why I'm still up! well we have a new addision to the Family his name is Forza n hes a minature Jack Russell and hes only 7 weeks old so I 'm up tonight on puppy watch lol.. I hope this has taken your mind off things and put a smile on your face thinkin of me on puppy watch😛 Take care n try n sleep well
I fully understand the lack of sleep situation, what with the depression as well it is ruining my life at the moment.
I hope you are feeling better. Lots of people find a sleep routine helps, along with one or two drops of lavender in a warm bath. Some folks find it heps to turn the television off an hour or so before they want to go to bed and do something relaxing.
Following on from Caroline's lavender suggestion, you could put a couple of drops of lavender on a tissue and put that under your pillow.
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