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Lack of energy…


Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Is it just me or does anyone else suffer from real lack of energy?

I’m T2 but on Ozempic, Insulin and Empaglifozin …

Has anyone found any strategies to overcome this?

Thanks in advance, Pete
Welcome to the forum @Pete1969

What sort of levels do you see when you check your BGs? (I assume your GP will have given you a means to monitor at home since you are on meds that can cause hypoglycaemia). I find high BGs make me feel very weary.

Keeping active and exercising can (bizarrely) be quite energising (especially if it takes place outdoors somewhere green) - is there a form of activity you enjoy which you might be able to do?
Hi Thanks for your reply!

I’m fortunate to have a Libre 2 - last 30 days have been 60% in target (3.9 - 10). So not too bad, but always can be better.

Yes lack of exercise is an issue, I’m afraid to say pandemic broke the habit, but I have just signed up to some yoga classes to get me moving - can’t face a boot camp just yet! It’s a viscous circle that has to be broken I think, too tired to exercise leading to more lethargy…

Thanks again for reaching out!

I’m fortunate to have a Libre 2 - last 30 days have been 60% in target (3.9 - 10). So not too bad, but always can be better.
60% in range is only just over 50% so in reality it's not that good :( If you are above 10 for 40% of the time then you would have a tendency to be tired/fatigued as in reality you have syrup running through your veins which would make you feel very sluggish. ( Please note I am not criticising)
Hopefully now you have a sensor you can see what is causing your blood sugar problems so that will help you no end instead of working in the dark, thus things will improve for you.
Another thought for you is to make sure you are not anaemic or have a vit B12 deficiency. So well worth asking for a blood test.
60% in range is only just over 50% so in reality it's not that good :( If you are above 10 for 40% of the time then you would have a tendency to be tired/fatigued as in reality you have syrup running through your veins which would make you feel very sluggish. ( Please note I am not criticising)
Hopefully now you have a sensor you can see what is causing your blood sugar problems so that will help you no end instead of working in the dark, thus things will improve for you.
Another thought for you is to make sure you are not anaemic or have a vit B12 deficiency. So well worth asking for a blood test.
Thanks! Criticism always appreciated! In practice I have been better than that, I got caught in the failed libre update issue and had to reinstall so data is only for the past 30days …. I regularly run 5% below range and approx 20% over… struggling to find fine control.

I have to admit I have been compensating lethargy with caffeine- went cold Turkey a couple of weeks ago and BG is more stable, just more lethargic!

Thanks for the tip on B12 and anemia, will get it checked out!

60% in range is only just over 50% so in reality it's not that good
Well that’s harsh. The advice from diabetes lead for NHS England is that 60% is great, not far off the target of 70%


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Well that’s harsh. The advice from diabetes lead for NHS England is that 60% is great, not far off the target of 70%
I wasn't being harsh just practical and pointing out the obvious regarding high numbers if that was the cause.

I'm sure you have better things to do than criticising nearly every post I make.
Thanks! Criticism always appreciated! In practice I have been better than that, I got caught in the failed libre update issue and had to reinstall so data is only for the past 30days …. I regularly run 5% below range and approx 20% over… struggling to find fine control.
I can assure you it wasn't meant as criticism :( Having type 1 for nearly 60 years I know exactly what effect high blood sugars have and how hard any type of diabetes is to manage. Trying to find a happy medium is always an ongoing issue for anyone with diabetes, with the bonus of the knock on effects when things are not as we strive to achieve.
I'm sure you have better things to do than criticising nearly every post I make.
If you hadn’t said that 60% time in range is “not good” then I wouldn’t have needed to criticise you. If the national diabetes lead describes 60% as “nailing it” then it’s hardly bad is it.
If you hadn’t said that 60% time in range is “not good” then I wouldn’t have needed to criticise you. If the national diabetes lead describes 60% as “nailing it” then it’s hardly bad is it.
He might well suggest different targets for TIR for Type 2. (And for Type 2 treated in different ways.)