Lack of conversation

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I am a type one diabetic and i am not sure if this problem is related to my diabetes or not but i take 3 injections of humalog and 1 of lantus daily and i am having trouble making conversations with people and i don't feel like socializing much. The only person i feel i can relax with and be my normal self is my wife. I am not sure if this is common or not. I don't know why this is happening i have felt like this for about a year now. Just wondering if any one else feels like the way i do.
Hi Steve, I'm type 2 and can go for days if I organise my work right without talking to anyone other than my family. I just don't always feel like talking. I'm not sure if it is related to the diabetes or not as I have always tried to get space for myself where I don't have to talk to others.
hI Steve im the same I can only talk to my o/hs mum which is weird , Cause o/h knows and awful lot about diabetes but its who i feel comfy with , but like caroline said i can go 3 or 4 days and not even mention it , x
It could be a symptom of depression, which is more prevalant in people with diabetes. I think the figures are around 5% of the general population suffer from depression at one time compared to about 34% of people with diabetes.

Have a word with your GP about it. They should be able to give you a short questionaire which will help to come up with a diagnosis.

The problem with depression and any other mental illness is that there is still a stigma attached to it. At the end of the day though, it is an illness like any other and can be treated.
It could be a symptom of depression, which is more prevalant in people with diabetes. I think the figures are around 5% of the general population suffer from depression at one time compared to about 34% of people with diabetes.

Have a word with your GP about it. They should be able to give you a short questionaire which will help to come up with a diagnosis.

The problem with depression and any other mental illness is that there is still a stigma attached to it. At the end of the day though, it is an illness like any other and can be treated.

If I have a word with my GP all I will get is a box of pills or a certificate for a couple of weeks off. Last time I went to see because I was worried about something, I got a certificate for three weeks off, and sod all else.
Hi Steve..

Other than you only feeling comfortable talking to your wife, are you experiencing any other problems?... I think the majority of diabetics get down etc from time to time.. But diabetics are more prone to depression, as Alan said.. May be worth you chatting to your DSN or making an appointment with your Dr.

I have seen my doctor and she said it is diabetes related she was going to prescribe me some tablets but i felt there was no point because if it is connected then i suppose i will just have to get used to it. People get the wrong idea they think i am being unsociable but i can't help myself feeling the way i feel.
I have seen my doctor and she said it is diabetes related she was going to prescribe me some tablets but i felt there was no point because if it is connected then i suppose i will just have to get used to it. People get the wrong idea they think i am being unsociable but i can't help myself feeling the way i feel.

I know exactly how you feel Steve. I have phases when I really dont want to see anyone let alone talk to people. I work from home and live alone so I can sometimes go for days without seeing another person , that actually suits me most of the time. At least Im not the only one who feels like this !!
I do tend to feel it may be linked to depression , but like yourself I dont really see the point of meds for the rest of my life if it is connected to being Diabetic , Im always going to be Diabetic so I just get on with it .
Hi Steve and AM..

I do understand how you both and others feel... I have had my own issues with depression over the years.. This is my own opinion.. sometimes a short course of anti depressants may help you cope and deal with the phases you are experiencing and help you get through these times.. The majority of Drs these days wouldnt want to prescribe them for years at a time.

Hope you both feel better soon.. If I can help either of you.. AM you always know you can talk to me... Steve if you ever need to chat etc.. please PM me.

Hi Steve and AM..

I do understand how you both and others feel... I have had my own issues with depression over the years.. This is my own opinion.. sometimes a short course of anti depressants may help you cope and deal with the phases you are experiencing and help you get through these times.. The majority of Drs these days wouldnt want to prescribe them for years at a time.

Hope you both feel better soon.. If I can help either of you.. AM you always know you can talk to me... Steve if you ever need to chat etc.. please PM me.


Yes I know thanks honey ((((hugs)))) , you know if I did need to talk you would be the first person on my list !! 🙂🙂
Yes I know thanks honey ((((hugs)))) , you know if I did need to talk you would be the first person on my list !! 🙂🙂

Good hun.... Cause you not on your own hun... I do understand...

I totally agree with not taking the meds, think it's best to avoid them if possible! but I definitely think you should talk to someone if you feel like this, preferably a Clinical Psychologist that specialises in diabetes! Today my diabetes consultant asked if I wanted to see the one at my hospital and I would have if I wasn't leaving the country.
Hi everyone.

One of the hardest things I have ever done was to admit that I had post natal depression. Mainly because of the associated stigma (people assume PND = not loving your baby, neglecting it etc, when the opposite was true in my case - I was always worried about him, couldn't rest or feel I was good enough, etc etc.) It was a miserable time because I felt a complete failure, and because of the associated stigma I deliberately isolated myself because I didn't want to be rejected by people any more. It all felt like too much effort.

I also honestly believed "I don't get depressed!!" "I've been through worse things & not been depressed, don't be silly!" 🙄 & I had a major reluctance to take any "happy pills", having seen my dad on prozac for years after mum died. In the event, I reluctantly accepted counselling & antidepressants. I'm still not sure whether I rate counselling, but maybe it did help. Not sure. The pills weren't "happy pills" as such, they just calmed things & helped bring my mood from the blackest pits of despair (sorry that sounds dramatic, words don't really work here) to a tolerable neutral level, where I could function again, whilst I began to get myself back together again. It took a long time, but I only wish I had asked for help earlier, instead of letting it get so bad in the first place.

I fully understand people's reticence about being on tablets and I agree, there is a tendancy to feel we ought to just "get on with it", diabetes is not going to go away. But guys, if things are getting to the point where it is affecting your enjoyment of life, when you are surviving rather than really living, then it's only sensible to ask for might not need to be tablets, maybe even just letting off steam to someone may be enough, but please don't try & bottle it in & cope alone... don't let it get that bad.

Sorry to be all heavy...😱 I'll try & find a good joke to post as atonement!!
Personally I have always liked my space. I work in an open plan office which at times is quite noisy. I start early as it is quiet till about 9am (only 3 or 4 of us in at 7am), so easy to get complicated stuff done. Two of us are diabetic first thing, and one likes a good natter.

This morning at 10 am hardly anyone in the 20 strong office is talking as there were quite a few difficult journeys to work and everyone is comming round quietly.
Now gone 3pm and it has been a strange day in the office, where no one has spoken very much, like everyone has avoided speaking to anyone else....
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