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kathy s

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
So another spanner in the works this morning when I had my bloidxtrst for hba1c thet dic said he wanted my liver checked, said there was nothing to worry about but wanted a scan. I asked the nurse why too but she was evasive too. Anyway this morning scan showed no problems with my liver but I am a kidney missing! Either I was born with only one or its rotted away but I would have usually had symptoms.

I'm on empagliflozin wich flushes the glucose out of my body via urine ( which of course requires the kidneys)

I don't suppose it means much but my dad had t2 then developed kidney failure which required dialysis, he died of covid but went into complete organ failure.

I'm a little concerned but havecto wait until Dr recieves the results.
I am certainly no expert but I cannot imagine you will be kept on a drug for much longer that requires your single kidney to be working at full stretch. Keep pushing the docs until you get the results.
My niece has a double kidney - or at least all on one side. She never had any trouble with it working OK and has never been told that it might be a problem for her.
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