Kidney CAT scan

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
In preparation for prostate surgery I am scheduled to undergo a kidney CAT scan with contrast tomorrow.

Has anyone had one of those? The information I got says that I should be ok to drive home afterwards, so I imagine that it is fairly innocuous.
Yes, they are quite fun! The "contrast" injection may mean that you feel a warm glow coursing through your veins as it moves round the body. Some people find the heavy magnetic doughnut through which you pass horizontally on the moveable bed to be somewhat claustrophobic, but most won't - if they're only 'doing' your kidneys, then your head goes nowhere near the 'doughnut', and it will take only about a minute of actual scanning.

Hope it all goes well!
Thank you, I hope your idea of fun is the same as mine .

I'm not expecting anything untoward. I have an enlarged prostate, and had some bleeding in my urine at some point. They are fairly sure that was from the prostate, but want to check further up just in case.
"Fun" in the "interesting, different, but not unpleasant" sense!
I'm sure you'll say how it went, and how much fun you found it.
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They usually want you to have had a eGFR blood test within 3 months which should have been mentioned in the blurb they sent you.
My other half has had several and found then fine, no untoward effects. But it did reveal some bladder stones and cysts on the kidneys, nothing to worry about it seems.
He has had 2 TURP procedures for enlarged prostate and did get blood and clots which resulted in him needing a catheter for several months whilst waiting for his TURP. Recovery from that was good.
Hope all goes well for you.
They usually want you to have had a eGFR blood test within 3 months which should have been mentioned in the blurb they sent you.
My other half has had several and found then fine, no untoward effects. But it did reveal some bladder stones and cysts on the kidneys, nothing to worry about it seems.
He has had 2 TURP procedures for enlarged prostate and did get blood and clots which resulted in him needing a catheter for several months whilst waiting for his TURP. Recovery from that was good.
Hope all goes well for you.
I had the kidney function test last week, prior to receiving the appointment for the scan.
It's necessary because male waterworks plumbing passes straight through the prostate before exiting precisely where it does. Hence any inflammation/swelling of the prostate gland can actually squish the urethra - the chairman of the (local) prostate cancer support group we're both trustees of (Cov & North Warks/Central England) has just had to have a stent fitted for this reason because it wasn't doing his kidneys any good at all, ie it became mega urgent.
Just back from the scan, just left to wait from the results. I didn't feel much of an effect from the contrast.

Apparently the consultant had asked that I be given forusemide as well as the contrast, but they asked if I have trouble emptying my bladder, which I do, so decided not to give it. Let's see what happens, as the reason for seeing consultant was difficulty emptying my bladder.
Well done. Last one I had, I really disliked the contrast. But I was quite unwell at the time and I was handled quite roughly as I was slid from trolley to scan. In this situation there's usually 6 people doing the sliding and they very nearly threw me (all 8 stone at that time) across the other side of the room. At least it felt that way!
I'm glad they didn't use the forusemide. Before the appointment I drank the two pints of water they had asked, which is a lot more than I would normally drink, and now I'm running to the loo every five minutes. Not that much comes out, mind, can't wait for the surgery to sort it out.
I'm glad they didn't use the forusemide. Before the appointment I drank the two pints of water they had asked, which is a lot more than I would normally drink, and now I'm running to the loo every five minutes. Not that much comes out, mind, can't wait for the surgery to sort it out.
Other half was up to the loo about 7 times in the night before his TURP now only once. So we both sleep better.
Have they given you any medication for the enlarged prostate?
Hope the appointment for your TURP comes through speedily @Carlos
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