Kicked out by gp

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I recently asked my GP for a copy of my blood tests as I may go to a Nutritionist or Herbalist. He also knows that used to self-harm and overdose (in the past but still labelled). I received a letter stating that they normally do not give out copies but will on this occasion and due my past misuse of medication he no longer wants to treat my diabetes or let me see the nurse. He will refer me to the Diabetes Clinic and let them deal with me. In his eyes once a problem always a problem. In my days of self-harm I was actually kicked out of the practice and sent to a Challenging Behaviour Clinic. I am really sick of Gp's passing the buck.
That GP is a mug............they are meant to help everyone in any way the will be better off at the specialist clinic, I assume you can still attent that surgery for non diabetic related issues.......
Hi trekpole, I'm sorry to hear this. However, you might be better off seeing a specialist clinic about your diabetes - as we are constantly hearing here, some GPs knowledge can leave a lot to be desired. It doesn't seem right that a person who has resolved their issues, no doubt through a lot of hard work, is permanently assiciated with them. Do you have an appointment at the clinic? If so, do let us know how it goes, and take care 🙂
Another Moron of a GP!....They want to learn about human compassion and empathy at Dr's school!...I am so sick of Drs treating people so badly, I have had so many years being in and out of hospital, I have both, observed and experienced, how unkind and unsympathetic Drs and Nurses alike can be....Yet all they do is complain and coplain about how little money they get...I say, earn it first!! 😡

You will be much better off at the Diabetic Clinic...however, I think it sounds like the letter you received was very cold and uncaring!
Your doctor sounds about as good s mine. I hope you get an appointment witht e specialist soon. It really annoys me that there is a post code lottery with the care and support we recive from our GP and supposed care teams. There is a vast gulf between the good ones and the bad ones.
Definitely worth reporting this gp for his conduct, but in all truthfulness you will be better off being seen by the diabetes clinic as they are specialists in diabetes and can provide much better treatment and advice than a gp. Toby.
I have just received a letter from the Diabetic Clinic. I am on a waiting list and may even be seen outside my area. I asked the GP how long I will have to wait for an appt. The answer "how long is a piece of string?". I am sure the GP received a gold star for saving his practice some money. I sent this complaint.

"I would like to complain regarding a few issues. Firstly I do not appreciate Dr A** leaving a message on my answering machine to tell me a medical diagnosis (diabetes). He then said I should not bother seeing the nurse the next day however failed to inform reception therefore I received a DNA Letter. Secondly I requested a copy of my blood tests as I am seeing a herbalist. This is my right and a song and dance should not be made about it. Finally regarding my diabetes. Yes I took thyroxine for three weeks as I read it can help with dieting but due to this it has given Dr A** the excuse not to treat my diabetes and refer me to the Diabetes Clinic. I am sure you are very happy about this as he has passed the torch to another part of the NHS and has probably saved the Practice some money. I received a letter from the Diabetic Clinic stating I am on a waiting list and may even be seen outside Lothian, which is rather inconvenient for me. I asked Dr D*** how long I would have to wait. The answer “how long is a piece of string”. It does not inspire confidence. However I am sure it does not bother you that you are burdening another part of the NHS with something you can deal with yourself. I was told I would not be given a prescription for blood glucose strips as you would monitor it but I guess that is not going to happen now so I have had to buy them myself. Just a note at the end. I have had problems with my Mental Health over the last few years but have only bothered your practice once (apart from treating wounds) only to be told you could not help me in a time of crisis. Yet I received a telephone call from Dr D**** in February showing concern that I was going hillwalking in winter. It's a shame you did not show the same concern when I had operations after self-harming. It seems to me that you have to get your priorities right and not pass the buck at the least occasion."
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I wonder what happened to medicine being a 'vocation'? Some doctors seem to be severely lacking in the human interaction department, it is very unhelpful to be given such a response about the time to get an appointment. I hope that the length of the string proves to be short, that you can get more local care, and that the care you receive is concentrated on making you happy and healthy, not just driven by hard cash.
I have seen special needs children with better social skills and a whole lot more compassion than some doctors...
I have seen special needs children with better social skills and a whole lot more compassion than some doctors...

Indeed, and if you add the 'god' complex to their other inadequacies you end right up the creek. It's a shame that so many are allowed to get away with such poor levels of service. I like your letter Trekkie, who did you send it to?
I sent it to the Practice Manager but I wrote it at 06.00 so it was toned down a lot. Most of the Gps in the Practice are uncaring idiots and the nurses do not have a clue. I asked the nurse for advice regarding my diet as i am not losing weight and the reaction was "oh dear" and maybe more carbohydrates.
I just weighed myself this morning and i have gained 4 pounds this week. I find this astounding. Yes i took 3 days break from the gym and swimming but on Tuesday I worked all day building a wall and wallpapering. I have stopped sugary drinks, only diet, I am drinking more water, I have made my own sugar free oat and seed cookies, my own soup. Until this week I have been going to the gym and swimming 4 times a week. I have a drink once maximum twice a week. What am I doing wrong? I have cut down my lunch from 4 slices to 2 slices of seed bread. I am now in a state of limbo because i cannot ask my gp or nurse for help and have to wait a couple of months for the diabetic clinic. I even saw the GP yesterday and asked for Prozac because it is getting me down. Of course not a word of my diabetes. Yesterday at about 17.00 I started feeling weaker and weaker. I tried a banana, water and a muesli bar but just felt faint and nearly collapsed in the supermarket. Where the hell am i supposed to get help?
...................Where the hell am i supposed to get help?.......................
In my opinion, the very best help that anyone can get to sort out a Type 2 diabetes problem comes largely from self-help. Also, by taking the advice of other diabetics on forums such as this one.
Hi trekpole, try not to worry too much about the weight gain. If you are anything like me than your weight can fluctuate by this amount on a daily basis. Concentrate instead on taking care of yourself. You've made some terrific steps by cutting out the sugary stuff, and the exercise will be doing you the world of good, even though you may not be aware of it yet.

I can't remember - do you test your blood sugar levels? If so, then when you are feeling weak and faint as you describe, you should do a test to see if it is due to your levels at that time, or if you might need to look at other possibilities - not everything can be attributed to the diabetes, and I think we tend to forget that sometimes as diabetes is so foremost in our minds.

What Wallycorker says is very true - diabetes is a condition that you have to learn to manage mostly by yourself, using your own experiences and those of others (by asking questions here, for example). Doctors quickly reach a point where their generalised knowledge is insufficient to apply to your own specific needs. They are good for prescribing stuff and doing tests etc., but even the great ones sometimes struggle to help, not being so intimately involved in the situation on a day-by-day basis.

Build up a diary of knowledge you can refer back to - record your food and exercise, how you felt afterwards, and your levels if you are testing (which I would highly recommend whilst you are gaining knowledge about foods and how they affect you). 🙂
I've set myself up a spreadsheet (Microsoft Excel 2003) to record my meals day by day amongst other things (like recording weight loss). If you're interested, I can send you a copy (pm me with your email).

I have found it very useful recently in pinpointing where the calories were kicking in and have actually had 5 straight weeks of losses since doing it. You'd be surprised how easy it is to scoff loads of 'hidden' calories without realising it.

Andy 🙂
Hi Trekpole,

Sorry if I am repeating anything anyone else has said but have you sent your compaint toy our GP or have you sent it through the proper channels? If you contact the GP reception and ask for a copy of their offical complaints process you may find it handled more to your satisfaction.

Each surgery belongs to a PCT and part of an NHS Trust and they should have a PALs (Patient Advice and Liason Service) who should support you through a complaints prcess and assist the process to ensure the best outcome for all parties. I actually went through PALs about 3 weeks ago and nearly fell on the floor when I received a phonecall the following morning from the Director of the Trust and 2 hours later the Matron who governed that particular professional I had lodged my complaint about. Shocked to say the least, but on this occassion it worked for me.

Google your trust and normally on the website will be a PALs link and you can email your complaint in.

I hope I havent gone off on a tangent or told you something you already know or have already done- sorry if thats the case. But we should not be made to feel the way you have- I hope you get some resolve.

If you feel that your doctor has acted in an unprofessional manner towards you then there is information on making a complaint about a docotr here on the GMC website

All the best.
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