Kick up the butt

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Having my elbow operation cancelled due to my Hba1c being over the threshold for the surgery to go ahead might have been the kick up the butt I needed!
I've been a alot stricter with my diet and have been having a lot less carbs than I would normally have.
I've been monitoring my levels more too, especially being on gliclizide I am at risk of hypos.
There has definitely been an improvement on my bg readings.
I'm hoping they will do my hba1c again in August and I've bought it down enough for my surgery and get rid of my elbow pain.
The other bonus is I've lost just under 3kg in a week!
Well done on your weight loss and determination as I know how much you need this op, and how frustrating it is being cancelled again.
Having my elbow operation cancelled due to my Hba1c being over the threshold for the surgery to go ahead might have been the kick up the butt I needed!
I've been a alot stricter with my diet and have been having a lot less carbs than I would normally have.
I've been monitoring my levels more too, especially being on gliclizide I am at risk of hypos.
There has definitely been an improvement on my bg readings.
I'm hoping they will do my hba1c again in August and I've bought it down enough for my surgery and get rid of my elbow pain.
The other bonus is I've lost just under 3kg in a week!

Go for it Stitch!

I know we know why they won't go ahead with an HbA1c above a certain level, but that doesn't make it any less frustrating.

Listening to Dr David Unwin talk of the approach taken in their practice, he tests after a month-6 weeks for newly diagnosed because of how quickly things can change for those making lifestyle changes. Clearly those changes to A1c can be extremely motivational.

I do hope you get a prompt retest to reflect your push forward.
Go for it Stitch!

I know we know why they won't go ahead with an HbA1c above a certain level, but that doesn't make it any less frustrating.

Listening to Dr David Unwin talk of the approach taken in their practice, he tests after a month-6 weeks for newly diagnosed because of how quickly things can change for those making lifestyle changes. Clearly those changes to A1c can be extremely motivational.

I do hope you get a prompt retest to reflect your push forward.
I've got a gp appointment on 21st July so fingers crossed they'll schedule me in for a hba1c test
Well done, hope all goes well and asap. 🙂
Well done @Stitch147 . What a difference. I hope that the next test enables you to have the surgery.
Well, 2 weeks in of being stricter with myself and results are still good. The highest reading I've had this week was 9.1 after breakfast up from a before reading of 7.7.
The lowest I've had was 4.6.
I haven't had any bread in 2 weeks, which for me is a miracle! Also no potatoes, pasta or rice.
I've also lost another 1kg in weight.
I've got a gp appointment next Friday 21st and I'm hoping he says I can book an appointment to have blood tests done.
Hopefully I can get the surgery on my elbow soon.
Well, 2 weeks in of being stricter with myself and results are still good. The highest reading I've had this week was 9.1 after breakfast up from a before reading of 7.7.
The lowest I've had was 4.6.
I haven't had any bread in 2 weeks, which for me is a miracle! Also no potatoes, pasta or rice.
I've also lost another 1kg in weight.
I've got a gp appointment next Friday 21st and I'm hoping he says I can book an appointment to have blood tests done.
Hopefully I can get the surgery on my elbow soon.
Well done Stitch. Keep it going As it is so clearly working well.
Well, behaving myself continues! Haven't had bread for almost 3 weeks now (I miss my toast!).
According to my meter my 7 day average is 7.1.
I'm hoping when I see the gp on the 21st he'll say we can repeat my hba1c.
Hopefully a month of being strict with myself will lower it enough for me to get my elbow finally sorted.
Had a gp appointment this morning about my cancelled elbow operation. They won't repeat my hba1c until the beginning of September. Although he was very pleased with the diet changes I've made and my lower daily readings. So about another 6 - 7 weeks of pain and discomfort and hopefully my hba1c will be low enough to get my operation done.
Had a gp appointment this morning about my cancelled elbow operation. They won't repeat my hba1c until the beginning of September. Although he was very pleased with the diet changes I've made and my lower daily readings. So about another 6 - 7 weeks of pain and discomfort and hopefully my hba1c will be low enough to get my operation done.
Sorry to hear they are making you wait that long before they will retest your HbA1C. Well done on the changes you have made.
How annoying @Stitch147. The GP must be able to see you're in pain. But at least by September your hard work'll really show up in your A1c result. Well done so far. Keep up the great work! 🙂
Disappointing that you can't get a retest sooner but would be awful if you had a retest and were still just above the level because it does take a while for HbA1c to reflect those dietary changes and then you might have to wait another 3 months after that.
Keep at it. You are doing great and hopefully by the time Sept comes around your craving for bread will have gone and you will be able to sustain this way of eating longer term.

I have bread once in a blue moon now (maybe 3 or 4 times a year) and about the same with potatoes and I no longer miss them or crave them and in fact the odd occasion when I have them I wonder what the attraction was. it it mostly just custom and convenience but once you get out of the habit of eating them and find other things, it becomes much easier. Hope you find that too.
Disappointing that you can't get a retest sooner but would be awful if you had a retest and were still just above the level because it does take a while for HbA1c to reflect those dietary changes and then you might have to wait another 3 months after that.
Keep at it. You are doing great and hopefully by the time Sept comes around your craving for bread will have gone and you will be able to sustain this way of eating longer term.

I have bread once in a blue moon now (maybe 3 or 4 times a year) and about the same with potatoes and I no longer miss them or crave them and in fact the odd occasion when I have them I wonder what the attraction was. it it mostly just custom and convenience but once you get out of the habit of eating them and find other things, it becomes much easier. Hope you find that too.
You can't beat home grown Charlotte potatoes though with lashings of butter.
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