keytones help

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Relationship to Diabetes
Hi my daughter has been having a tough time over the christmas week with many high's and a good few hypo's. yesterday she was running low all day and her keytones were at 1.7 but this morning she has woke up at bm - 3.7 and keytones 2.1. do i need to seek medical attention today? im still learning so sorry if this seams like a really ovious thing. thanks in advance for any help and advise. lisa
This is what I was taught to do on my carb counting course:

1) Plenty of water to help flush them out. I'm talking litres.

2) Check blood glucose every two hours and administer corrective doses of insulin if bloods are high (corrective doses need to be double what they normally are)

3) If the ketones aren't gone after about eight hours then seek medical help.

Hope this helps,

I'd say where ketones are involved and especially with a child id ring NHS direct, they can advise you the advice tom has give is spot on drink water like its running outta fashion .
I'd say where ketones are involved and especially with a child id ring NHS direct, they can advise you the advice tom has give is spot on drink water like its running outta fashion .

I'd agree with steff on seeking professional advice, it might be an illness - a cold or something - showing the early signs, and if so, then you may need advice on adjusting insulin etc.

As for drinking water I'd say, yes drink plenty, but not excessively - a normal amount for adults is 2-3 litres a day, and about half this for a child depending on age, so don't go overboard!
Hya Lisa

this is what my sons diabetes nurse told us what to do when there are ketones.

0.0 - 0.6 ok
0.7 - 0.9 encourage fluids and re-test in 2 hours
over 1.0 - contact DSN or the ward for help. So for 2.1 ketones i would ring the hospital.

Don't know how correct the above is. Hope everything is ok, keep us posted.

gem xx
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