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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
i know i spelt that wrong but have a question over high sugars. Does anyone find their hearing goes funny? I didn't take insulin out wit me to work today and knew i was gonna be high, but apart from being thirsty it feels like my ears need to pop!
i know i spelt that wrong but have a question over high sugars. Does anyone find their hearing goes funny? I didn't take insulin out wit me to work today and knew i was gonna be high, but apart from being thirsty it feels like my ears need to pop!

Funny you should say that - I was suffering from DKA when I finally decided to call for an ambulance. One of the things I was finding was that I couldn't hear properly, or rather, it felt like I couldn't hear myself speak. My BG at the hospital was 37.
i felt like i had to pop my ears all day till i got home, and yeah it felt like i wasnt talking properly, im glad u felt the same, fell horrible when i forget to take it (which isnt that often!)

any other weirds symptoms people have whilst having high bs?
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