Ketosis prone type 2 diabetes

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Last Resort

New Member
Hello, at the beginning of Feb I went into DKA. I only found out I was diabetic a day before that. I took 2 tablets of Metformin and a day after I collapsed. I am on insulin now (4 injections a day). My GAD and IA2 tests were negative. My c-peptide was 1150pmol (1.15nmol/3.47ng). I was told I might be Ketosis Prone Type 2 diabetic (I am type 2 but when my sugar is above 14 I need to start measuring ketones in my blood). Has anyone got any experience with KPT2? Could I possibly be in a honeymoon and actually had LADA? Diabetic nurses specialist told me that my pancreas produces enough insulin and the plan is to wean me off insulin and try antagonist GLP-1 instead. Any thoughts on that too?
It's not a clssification i've been assigned, but i do have T2 and am prone to getting ketones easily so seems interesting
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