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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi all, hope you all had a great christmas and Happy New Year to you all, my problem is driving me nuts, i keep getting highg blood sugars and they are increasing my insulin every couple of days, my steroids are decreasing to 30mg a day but my bs is still rising, now got between ++ and +++ on the ketone widdle meter and on the blood one 2, my sugars are 24 and above and i feel like crap, but i'm not eating rubbish at all and getting dead confused, and am away from home for a conference so won't be home till late sunday and already nearly out of strips but mainly concerned about ketones, what should i do??
cant you do a corrective dose to bring your sugars down a bit? you need to drink loads of water and get the ketones out of your system (this is what the diabetic nurse tells me) also i think you should call your nurse or nhs direct for advice plus if you start being sick you need to call 999 xxx
I have got my sugars down with giving myself extra novorapid but a few hours later, food or not and it's back up there again, thing is where i am they have closed the local hospital :(
3 days now and getting a tad concernec but can't drive home as 200 miles :(
Recently took my daughter to casualty with + to ++ keytones and highs of 33.3, had she of been completely ++ or more then she would of been admitted. They advised drinking plenty of water but to be honest if your away on a conference and i presume on your own you should go to casualty or at least call nhs direct, When my daughter was diagnosed she was admitted with +++ keytones and kept in for a week, please get yourself checked out and keep us upto date, good luck Hazel.
Took all your advice and with +++ ketones went into the local hospital to where i am staying, got put on a drip and all sorts again and been told to get intouch with my specialist asap so will be doing that monday morning, just got home so now going to bed 🙄
telephone advice

Hi Angel

Will "your" hospital give you a phone number to contact a specialist nurse, perhaps only between certain hours, but at least you'll get someone. When I was first dignosed (1996) and they were trying to get me on the right insulin dose, I had to phone in daily with blood glucose figures. On another occasion, some 3 years later, when working on a research project in a public health department in Northern Ireland, a public health consultant introduced me to a diabetes consultant, who gave me more useful information and resassurane in a 10 min chat over a coffee than I'd got in numerous visits to the first hospital I'd attended - they were so useless that I won't name them. If though I've used it, I find it reassuring to have a number I can phone for professional advice. Or phone NHS direct, but they won't know anything about you that you don't tell them.

(Unfortunately, origninal hospital started me on a bimodal regime, which wasn't appropriate for an active 30 year old, and it wasn't until I went away for a few days holiday in Belgium with an Australian student midwife friend, who reported the problems to her Mum, a pharmacist in Tasmania, and posted me information about basal bolus regime that I knew what to ask about changing to. I must admit that beginning to take more control & responsibility was important for me.)
Glad to hear that something was done and that you are safely home.
Take care
Angel, sorry to hear about your recent problems. Hope when you wake up tomorrow things look more than a little better.

Please keep us informed of your progress and I trust the hospital takes you seriously and gives you the support you need.

All best wishes for a healthier New Year,
Hi all, hope you all had a great christmas and Happy New Year to you all, my problem is driving me nuts, i keep getting highg blood sugars and they are increasing my insulin every couple of days, my steroids are decreasing to 30mg a day but my bs is still rising, now got between ++ and +++ on the ketone widdle meter and on the blood one 2, my sugars are 24 and above and i feel like crap, but i'm not eating rubbish at all and getting dead confused, and am away from home for a conference so won't be home till late sunday and already nearly out of strips but mainly concerned about ketones, what should i do??

Are you on a basal/bolus regime? If you are, it sounds like your basal could be too low. I've only recently started taking insulin but I've found that without a decent basal it makes it very difficult to manage.

Hope you get it sorted.

I know that whenevr I have to go on steroids, my bgs rocket!! I am on a pump so I was able to raise my basal rates to more than 100% +. However, I know that we are all different, and the alterations to dosages vary from person to person. Also I do not normally take steroids on a regular basis, only in extreme circumstances, i.e. when I have been very ill with, e.g. double pneumonia. However, everytime that this has happened, my bg readings always go up to the readings that you are experiencing. Luckily, because of my pump, I can alter my basal rates, therefore reducing the sky high blood sugars that always occur when I am put on steroids. If you are on a pump, you normally have plenty of back up, but if not, I agree that the best thing to do is speak to your diabetic specialist nurse, who will be able to talk you through the safest course of action.
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