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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
hello to you all,
i have ketones only 2* mainly after tea or before bed. I have never had them in the morning, and it does not matter what my blood sugar are. I also don`t get them everyday (strange!!). Does anyone know why i keep getting them?Does this affect me in anyway?
Keytones means that you're getting a larger amount of acids in your urine and it can be a danger for ketoacidosis that can cause you to pass out. i dont suffer them so maybe someone who knows abit more can comment ..
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hello to you all,
i have ketones only 2* mainly after tea or before bed. I have never had them in the morning, and it does not matter what my blood sugar are. I also don`t get them everyday (strange!!). Does anyone know why i keep getting them?Does this affect me in anyway?

Hi, it's a tricky one to answer because you are not yet properly diagnosed. Ketones are produced naturally when the body burns fat for energy, and they are only dangerous in the absence of insulin. How are you measuring them? If your blood sugar levels are not high (above 15 mmol/l) then they are unlikely to be a danger as you are probably producing sufficient insulin to process them out of the body safely. Have you changed your diet significantly lately? It may simply that you are losing weight in the normal fashion 🙂
Ketones are a bi product of the break down of muscle and fat, which happens when you don't have enough insulin to let the fuel into the muscle...which, if still being active will escalate as your body uses up the muscle and fats to move...

Don't know what your measurement star I believe is a that right?

It may be your running high and still being quite active........ it can ne normal to have traces though and shouldn't cause you much harm if your taking your medication
this is all very interesting, being new to the diabetes world!!!
I test using kewsticks and one star is a trace. two stars is more of a trace. The only diet change i have made over last three weeks is to cut out sugar. my blood sugar was 5.7 and i had ketones. I have not lost any more weight since being diagnosed.
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