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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Do folks still check on ketones?
I met a chap on hol who was talking about blood meters picking up (or not) on different sugars, glucose maltose etc... then he mentioned how often ketone testing is done.
I don't think i've tested ketones for 20yrs at home. They normally do the dip test at the hospital check up.
If your above the renal threshold, which varies for everyone, its usually 10-12 mmol/l, you should check for ketones.......9 times out of 10 you will only have a trace at 10-12, but maybe not....if there present you proceed to take units to bring them down, then check again.......

This is only for the urine test........there are blood meters that will check for ketones in the blood, however I dont know how to read those results as I have never used one......

If you have good control you shouldnt need to test, but HCPs would advise it as ketones are damaging to the body (acid)

And to answer the question, sorry, I dont really check for ketones, maybe if I am ill.........
I was told it wasn't really necessary unless the BG went above 16mmol/l, and then only if it wouldn't come down.

They were quite worried about mine when I was diagnosed as they were off the end of the urine testing strip, but came down quite quickly.

I haven't used the dipsticks they gave me on more than two days since, although they are in the bottom of my bag that goes everywhere with me...

I very rarely test for ketones, It's pretty unlikely that I will get them. I have the strips that test blood ketones and test if I am above 20.
My GP likes me always to have in-date ketostix as during illness it is quite possible that I will get high sugars and therefore ketones. I had a nasty brush with ketoacidosis earlier in the year due to one infection after another, my body just suddenly couldn't cope anymore and I needed to be seen as an emergency. I coped without being admitted but I was testing for ketones everytime I went to the loo for a couple of days.
Oh yes

Probably different with children, but yes, we do check whenever E is high and stays high. And especially when he's ill.
Any sign of ketones is also a sign to up his insulin and force some water down him. Again, they say that you feel like poo when you're ketones are high. But a five-year old can feel like that just because his train track broke, so the meter is pretty essential.
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