Ketones on my blood glucose monitor

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
H I am getting the word ' Ketones 'on my blood sugar monitor I'm very new to all this and wonder what I should do... I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes just before Christmas.

I also want to find the right diet but there is just too much information so again any help or experience anybody can care for would be really useful

Any help would be great.
If meters showing the word 'ketones' when you check your blood it is just a prompting to check for ketones as your blood sugar is high it doesn't mean you have ketones
H I am getting the word ' Ketones 'on my blood sugar monitor I'm very new to all this and wonder what I should do... I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes just before Christmas.

I also want to find the right diet but there is just too much information so again any help or experience anybody can care for would be really useful

Any help would be great.
When the monitor says Ketones it is usually an advice to check for ketones as high blood glucose and ketones can indicate a dangerous combination and would require immediate medical attention. Urine dip stick can be used to check unless your monitor also does ketones using ketone test strips.
However depending on your diet which if low carb/keto may produce dietary ketones.
If in any doubt then call your GP or 111
What blood glucose reading are you getting?
What medication are you taking?
HI thanks for the help and information. My reading is 17.9 mm0l/L with the word 'KETONE?' In true I need to understand what I should do next. I need to find a diet everyday meal plan. I have being using the recipes on here and have lost a stone.
HI thanks for the help and information. My reading is 17.9 mm0l/L with the word 'KETONE?' . I have being using the recipes on here and have lost a stone.
Was the losing intended and did it come easilly to you?
I have dropped all sweets and anything I think is unhealthy from my diet and now walk for 30 mins aday. I hope it came because of that.
In truth I am not sure what is the best thing to do,I know I need to lose weight but after that I just dont know what to do for best. There is so much/ too much information.
17 is too high and if it is persistently that high then you need more support with your diabetes management. What medication are you on and when did you last speak to a nurse or doctor about your diabetes?

Can you give us an idea of what you had to eat before that reading of 17 and did you test before eating?
Hi ) It was 15 yesterday. I am waiting on my new test sticks.

I reached out to the practice two weeks agp, when I was advised to see if they would give me sticks on prescription, they haven't responded yet.
Last time I had a face-to-face was just before Christmas. She said she would contact me do from three months time for a check up.

I've not been prescribed any medication the two take aways where one to lose weight to which I've lost just over a stone and two to come to this website for support.

I had steak and salad without any dressing.
Hi ) It was 15 yesterday. I am waiting on my new test sticks.

I reached out to the practice two weeks agp, when I was advised to see if they would give me sticks on prescription, they haven't responded yet.
Last time I had a face-to-face was just before Christmas. She said she would contact me do from three months time for a check up.

I've not been prescribed any medication the two take aways where one to lose weight to which I've lost just over a stone and two to come to this website for support.

I had steak and salad without any dressing.
I would advise you get some ketone urine dip sticks from the pharmacy, they are cheap so you can check for ketones when your blood glucose is that high.
Your reading does sound high after that meal which contains very few carbs. Are those typical readings as if not that may just be a rogue strip or you had something on your finger.
You need to be insistent with your GP that you need more support.
Meanwhile have a look at this link as there may be information that will help.
Brilliant that you have lost the weight
It is well past 3 months and you need to chase the nurse up for a follow up appointment as those levels are unacceptably high and putting you at risk of developing complications.

Can you give us a few details of what led up to your diagnosis at Christmas? Were you experiencing symptoms of diabetes and if so which symptoms.... or was it just picked up through a routine blood test?

Do you know what your hbA1c result was? This is the blood test used to diagnose diabetes and will be a number in excess of 47. How far above that number indicates how seriously your diabetes needs to be taken. Symptoms generally don't develop until that result is quite high and at that level medication is usually important along with regular monitoring until it comes down to more reasonable levels. If you don't know that HbA1c number, are you able to access it online? You usually need to have arranged online access with the surgery to log in and see your results.

It seems like you have taken on board dietary changes by the sound of that meal at least and your levels really should not be that high after such a meal if you have been eating low carb for a while so it may be that you are a misdiagnosed Type 1. This can be quite dangerous to leave untreated, so push for an urgent appointment to see a GP or nurse and get a follow up blood test and by the sound of it, you also need some medication and if I am right about you possibly being Type 1 then you need insulin and delaying is risking you being life threateningly ill, aside from the long term risk of diabetes complications. If you are able, try to obtain some Ketosticks which you can dip in your urine to test for ketones when your blood glucose levels are persistently mid teens or above... as you have seen, the meter will prompt you to test for ketones when levels are this high. Ketones are dangerous in this situation and make your blood toxic, so important to be able to detect them and seek urgent medical help (hospital A&E) if they start developing.
PS. Ketostix are available to buy online or over the counter and a pot of 50 costs about £5, so worth investing in them to keep yourself safe if you haven't been prescribed any.

Also wanted to say that you can have dressing on your salad and still keep it low carb. I have balsamic vinegar on mine and a big dollop of creamy coleslaw. Obviously don't have those things if you don't like them but a dollop of mayonnaise would be fine or a small amount of salad cream.... the latter has a few carbs but as long as you keep it to a small drizzle it is fine.

I also love mushrooms with my steak and they are low carb and many of us have celeriac chips instead of potato chips as it is lower carb. Just a few suggestions to make your meal perhaps a little more enjoyable but still keep it low carb.
It is well past 3 months and you need to chase the nurse up for a follow up appointment as those levels are unacceptably high and putting you at risk of developing complications.

Can you give us a few details of what led up to your diagnosis at Christmas? Were you experiencing symptoms of diabetes and if so which symptoms.... or was it just picked up through a routine blood test?

Do you know what your hbA1c result was? This is the blood test used to diagnose diabetes and will be a number in excess of 47. How far above that number indicates how seriously your diabetes needs to be taken. Symptoms generally don't develop until that result is quite high and at that level medication is usually important along with regular monitoring until it comes down to more reasonable levels. If you don't know that HbA1c number, are you able to access it online? You usually need to have arranged online access with the surgery to log in and see your results.

It seems like you have taken on board dietary changes by the sound of that meal at least and your levels really should not be that high after such a meal if you have been eating low carb for a while so it may be that you are a misdiagnosed Type 1. This can be quite dangerous to leave untreated, so push for an urgent appointment to see a GP or nurse and get a follow up blood test and by the sound of it, you also need some medication and if I am right about you possibly being Type 1 then you need insulin and delaying is risking you being life threateningly ill, aside from the long term risk of diabetes complications. If you are able, try to obtain some Ketosticks which you can dip in your urine to test for ketones when your blood glucose levels are persistently mid teens or above... as you have seen, the meter will prompt you to test for ketones when levels are this high. Ketones are dangerous in this situation and make your blood toxic, so important to be able to detect them and seek urgent medical help (hospital A&E) if they start developing.

Ok ets see if i can answer these questions.

I will email the clinic and ask for review and ask to be put on what they call 'total diet replacement programme' looking at my notes I have been listed under self management.
I can't see any record to hbA1c and what it was.
I have order ketiosticks ( thank you for the advice )

Thank you for all the advice I am going to call the Dr and request a full check ASAP.
I think I have fallen through the cracks.
PS. Ketostix are available to buy online or over the counter and a pot of 50 costs about £5, so worth investing in them to keep yourself safe if you haven't been prescribed any.

Also wanted to say that you can have dressing on your salad and still keep it low carb. I have balsamic vinegar on mine and a big dollop of creamy coleslaw. Obviously don't have those things if you don't like them but a dollop of mayonnaise would be fine or a small amount of salad cream.... the latter has a few carbs but as long as you keep it to a small drizzle it is fine.

I also love mushrooms with my steak and they are low carb and many of us have celeriac chips instead of potato chips as it is lower carb. Just a few suggestions to make your meal perhaps a little more enjoyable but still keep it low carb.

Thanks I have order sticks. I have not been prescribed anything.
Ok thanks dressing on salad, normal I put soya sauce on salad.

Thank you very much for the suggestions
17 is too high which is why your meter is telling to check for Ketones, similarly if it more than about 13 or 14 for an extended period - appreciate you may not be able to get a meter that tests for ketones as you are T2 but you should speak to your healthcare team so help you manage your glucose - don't worry though, it does get easier
Thank you for all the advice I am going to call the Dr and request a full check ASAP.
I think I have fallen through the cracks.
Hope you are able to get some good information and support @DarronH

To my understanding, ketones with high blood glucose are less common in T2, certainly in the early stages where insulin production is likely to be high.

Having a means to check ketones is wise, but if your diagnosis of T2 is accurate, it may be that you are less likely to produce ketones?
HI ) Thanks for all the help, I got an appointment tomorrow with a practice nurse.
Todays reading was 17.5, I need to check ketones.
Are you just testing once a day and if so, is it before or after food and if after food, how long after?

Really pleased you have got an appointment. Do tell them the sort of things you are eating and the BG results you are getting and ask what your HbA1c was at Christmas when you were diagnosed. And ask them to check for ketones.
Generally for a review, they like you to supply a first urine sample of the day for testing. The white lidded test tube is the one to use if you can pick one up from the surgery before the appointment and collect a sample.

Let us know how you get on? I suspect you may be a misdiagnosed Type 1 with BG levels that high despite adjusting your diet, so do ask them if it is possible you might be Type 1. Also mention the weight loss. If they say you are too old to get Type 1. mention that you know of a few people who developed it later in life including our ex prime minister, Teresa May.
Very pleased that you have got an appointment and well done on making changes to your diet already.

I am another vote for asking them to check for T1 especially with steps you have taken and still having higher glucose levels, especially if you have ketones. Do ask them to check this. I was 53 at diagnosis so we are never too old to start T1

Let us know how you get on
HI, Thought I would update after all your help. I being put on metformin starting lastnight (500mg) one every evening. B/S went as fat as 22.0. I have supply for 4 weeeks then I will get aphone call from the nurse. I would rather have found a way not to take the metformin but Nurse says it was the best option to get my Suger level. this mrning my B/S is 14.5 So OK its working. again BIG THANK YOU everyone
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