Ketones & Good blood sugar levels.

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Natasha Weldon

New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi, This is my first question - sorry if it's a bit silly.

I'm type 1 and have been pumping since 2013 which has stopped my hospital admissions due to DKA.

I've had breakfast this morning - it contained carbs.

My blood sugar levels have been fine all morning - 7.2 when I woke up and 6.9 when I just tested.

However I've been feeling a bit 'off' so tested for ketones and they are present - not at a high level, 1.1, however I'm confused, my bg is fine, I've eaten carbs - are they present due to the fact I'm feeling a bit under the weather? I generally have a pretty good grasp of things, but this hasn't happened, I usually only see ketones with high bg or if I've not eaten carbs for a while.

Thanks in advance.
If you're feeling ill it might be to do with that, perhaps you aren't eating as much as usual? Then it won't matter if you eat carbs or not, just the fact that you are eating less of everything will mean that your body is resorting to burning up fat which is what causes starvation ketones. 1.1 is about the level they seem to get to in that situation. Keep an eye on it, if they go above 1.5 you should contact your medical team for advice. Do you know the "sick day rules"? If I can find it I'll post a link in a minute.
Hi, yes, I'm fine with sick day rules thanks...To be honest - I'd say the breakfast was more than usual, I had toast, egg, tomatoes and some bubble & Squeak - usually it's just a bowl of porridge. That's why I'm a bit confused...
Don’t want to worry you but you should be aware that you can get ketones with normal blood sugars that go up and up - I’ve had this and ended up with dka even though my blood sugars were comparatively normal (max was 9)

I’d keep a close eye and if you start feeling worse call your pump team/ hospital for advice.

Hopefully it’s nothing!
Agree with others. Probably nothing to worry about, but certainly worth keeping an eye on.

Those pesky ketones can be slippery blighters as they are not always a sign of impending disaster... but sometimes they are. A bit like my other favourite 'feeling a bit hungry' as a hypo warning sign. Often less than helpful!
Thanks for all your advice, they’ve stayed pretty stable, they’re a bit lower this evening, so hopefully it’s just linked to me feeling like I’m getting a cold.
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