Ketones but BG is normal

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Morning all,
I am very confused with my body right now. My BG is 7.4 which is normal for me but I have rising ketones. What am I meant to do? If i take a double dose of insulin my BG will bottom out.

Anyone else had this problem? I also have fibromyalgia so cant tell if I feel worse because of the ketones of if it's just normal.

Any advice will be greatly appreciated!
Thank you fellow warriors in advance!
Hi @MeSoMaso91 Have you eaten this morning? How high are your ketones? Could you be coming down with an illness? I’d inject and eat something. I’d also keep hydrated with water to help flush the ketones out. Keep testing your ketones and your blood sugar.
Hi and welcome.

I also would ask how high the ketones are, what you are using to test them (ie urine strips or blood ketone strips) and are the test strips in date?.... and what prompted you to test ketones when your BG levels are in the normal range?
Are you recently diagnosed and which insulins do you use?
Hi and welcome.

I also would ask how high the ketones are, what you are using to test them (ie urine strips or blood ketone strips) and are the test strips in date?.... and what prompted you to test ketones when your BG levels are in the normal range?
Are you recently diagnosed and which insulins do you use?
I’d add to the questions, if they are urine strips how long has the tub been open? Only valid for a few months after opening.
Hi all, ketones are now 0.8 and they are from blood tests not urine. I've not got much appetite but have eaten. Last bloods was 17.4. Been diabetic nearly 19 years. x
So your BG meter just read 17.4 and told you and beeped at you insistently, to test for ketones? Anything over 13.0 on a BG meter should tell you to test for them.

I'm surprised it told you to test for them with your BG only at 7.4 yesterday. Why did you test for them then?
A few weeks back I tested my wee (suspected urine infection) noticed ketones on the test strip. Checked with my meter out of curiosity and they were the highest they had ever been for me 0.6. (Which I understand is not really that high ) my glucose was around 6. As far as I’m aware this is a normal occurrence when cutting carbs in fact some people on diet or extreme fitness regimes actually desire being in ketosis this happens when the body doesn’t have enough carbs to burn for energy. Your body uses the ketones for fuel. I suspect this is what’s happening if you are reducing your carb intake. If you are eating as normal and they are still high then I would definitely suggest having a chat with your team.
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