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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
At risk of diabetes
Hi everyone, I just done a test strip an the keystone colour marker was almost black which must mean a lot .What happens now .Any ideas anybody .Regards Kev.
Welcome @Kevinoftm Are your ketone test strips in date and only been opened for 6 months? Have you been diagnosed with diabetes? Have you lost any weight unexpectedly recently? Do you have other symptoms like excessive thirst and urinary frequency?

Are you following a keto/very low carb diet? Have you re-tested your ketones?
Welcome to the forum @Kevinoftm

Were these urine strips? As @Inka says, these have to be used within 6 months of opening them.

How are you feeling in yourself? Do you have any symptoms of high glucose such as thirst and needing the toilet more more?

If you are feeling poorly, especially with breathlessness, abdominal pain, or nausea - please contact NHS111 to chat things through with them.
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