Kenya: Exercise Cuts Risk of Diabetes

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
It seems that the African press is as confused about diabetes as everywhere else - this story is chiefly about a Type1, but then describes how exercise can help you to avoid diabetes. It wouldn't have helped the boy in the article. Interesting also that he is on twice a day insulin and usually does one test a day, which I expect is the norm in less-wealthy economies :(

A routine medical test can save your life.

It happened to Martin Gatehi. He was 14 and had just sat his Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) exam in December 2006 when the doctor spelt out the unexpected news.

"You have diabetes," the doctor told him.

Yet, he had gone to the doctor because all he wanted was a medical report to show he was fit to join Form One.
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