keeping readings low


Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
keeping my readings low only happens when i have sunflower seeds in my smoothie it REALLY HELPS .i get them down to about 5.7 to 6.5 they sometimes go into double figures high and i have a handful of sunflower seeds and go for a walk (lucky i can) then my readings plummet back to around 6. i have been worried lately last month i had readings of 17 ate a handful of sunflower seeds went for half hour walk and my readings returned to 6.5. am i doing something wrong? i dont think so. oh by the way eat dehusked sunflower seeds not the ones in the husk. i must be doing something right to get readings that low. am i doing something right?
Are you sure it is the sunflower seeds rather than the walk which is lowering your BG?
It is common for people with diabetes to exercise to lower their BG.
Smoothies are often a problem for people with Type 2 as the process breaks down the ingredients and they are metabolised more quickly which could explain the high reading. If they are causing such a high number changing the ingredients may help as you really want to avoid going up to as high as 17mmol/l or avoid altogether.
Glad you are seeing such good numbers @YE2GATHER

Like @helli I wonder whether the walk might be contributing more than the seeds in terms of lowering BG levels, but nuts and seeds can be a great snack, in moderation, of course!
keeping my readings low only happens when i have sunflower seeds in my smoothie it REALLY HELPS .i get them down to about 5.7 to 6.5 they sometimes go into double figures high and i have a handful of sunflower seeds and go for a walk (lucky i can) then my readings plummet back to around 6. i have been worried lately last month i had readings of 17 ate a handful of sunflower seeds went for half hour walk and my readings returned to 6.5. am i doing something wrong? i dont think so. oh by the way eat dehusked sunflower seeds not the ones in the husk. i must be doing something right to get readings that low. am i doing something right?
It sounds like the walking rather than the sunflower seeds: if there was a magic 'anti-diabetes' food I think lots of people on here would know about it already :(
My post-prandial BG is always lower than my average for any particular meal if I go for a walk around an hour after eating.
Never fails.
My post-prandial BG is always lower than my average for any particular meal if I go for a walk around an hour after eating.
Never fails.
Yes, mine plummets if I go for a walk 40 minutes after eating.