Keeping Pump Cool

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

I'm starting the Ypsomed pump next week - up until now I have been using pens. Wondering how you keep the pump cool whilst the temperature is above 30 degrees? My diabetes nurse said to put the pump in a cool bag, but surely there must be an easier way where I can keep the pump secured to my body?


@amanda7 I’ve never heard that advice to put the pump in a cool bag. I can’t believe the condensation would be good for it. I just wear mine under my clothes on a Hid-in soft band and I’m aware of it when in the sun, eg I push it round to my back if I’m sitting facing the sun for a long time. I’ve been pumping 20 years and not had any issues doing this.

Oh, and welcome to the forum 🙂
Why do you need to keep the pump cool would be my question? The insulin in a pump is probably only going to last a few days and many pumps (patch pumps) are worn next to the skin where the temp is going to be at least 30 since body temp is 37. The pump should be fine on your body and the insulin fine in the pump.
Like @Inka, I have never needed to keep my pump in a cool bag through years of pumping a travelling to some pretty hot countries. For example, last year, I sat in a roof top bar in Dubai when it was 40 degrees at midnight and my pump was fine. I melted but the pump was ok!
As long as your pump is not out in direct sunlight, it will be fine under clothing.
If you plan to sunbathe, just put it under your towel.
Remember the pump provides pretty good insulation of the insulin within it.

If you really feel you need a pump cool bag, I think Frio make them ( but they look large and uncomfortable to wear. Plus, as @rebrascora mentioned, they wouldn't work with a patch pump.
Maybe I would keep the spares and insulin at controlled cooler temperatures, as others have said on your person it is fine.

I have the omnipod and I have boiled myself in the bath a few times, never had any impact, on the pod or insulin.

I have worn the pump in Tenerife, and again no issues in the sun or in the heat. Made sure my pod was under my swimwear and clothing.
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